upgrade from nvidia 173.14.16 to 173.14.18

I installed the drivers 173.14.16 from a one click button and the drivers are beta. I followed some steps to install 173.14.18 from nvidia but it said something about the kernel I don’t understand the whole kernel thing. I’m trying to install the new ones because I have a problem with some of the effects. The desktop gets all messed up then I have to login to root the account and delete my account and start over. In the nvidia descriptions for 173.14.18 it says thats a bug and it will fix it. oh and my graphics card is a nvidia FX 5200.


You’ll need to uninstall any of the drivers you downloaded with the one click installer before you use the nvidia proprietary drivers.

You’ll need to make sure you have these packages installed:

Then it should install correctly.

Once it’s installed remember to run this in a terminal

sax2 -r -m 0=nvidia

Hope this helps!


Thinks it worked great. now when I login Kfountain.kss starts up buy it self.

Glad to see you got it sorted out!

Sorry, I cannot help you with that problem although there are quite a few recent posts about similar problems of programs auto starting. Use the search function of the forum for that.

Hope the rest of your openSUSE experience goes smooth!


One more problem I enabled the Blurs the background behind semi-transparent windows option now my desktop is all garbled I cant select anything. I was hoping to some how reset the desktop effects from the command line or login to root and do it there.

Probably some file in .kde4/share/config in your home folder you will have to delete, so if some name in there looks similar to ‘desktop-effects’ you can delete that one and it will reset itself to the default values on login.

You can get to the console by pressing ctrl+backspace twice and then selecting ‘login from console’. Make a backup first with the cp .kde4 .kde4backup command.
Then you can navigate to the folder with cd .kde4/share/config
You can list files in there with the command ls.
Removing is done with rm filename

Worst case to reset everything you could do a mv /home/username/.kde4 /home/username/.kde4old.

Once done type in startx and hit enter.

**Do note that as everything is in your home folder your regular user account can be used, no need for root rights… which in this can only do more harm than good. **

(hope I typed in everything right, in a hurry for dinner)