Upgrade from 11.1 to 11.4 shows no desktop

Upgraded to 11.4 opensuse from 11.1, now no desktop, just a background displays.

I re-upgraded using the Network method of installation and still the results are the same.

Does anyone know how to fix this issue?

Did you read the openSUSE-11.4 release notes and try any of the suggestions there ?

What can you tell us about your PC’s graphic hardware ?

What can you tell us about the desktop you chose ? KDE ? Gnome ? LXDE ?

Did you create a brand new /home or are you using your old /home ? If using your old /home did you have special desktop effects enabled when you upgraded ?

Did you try booting with

  • ‘nomodeset’ boot code in grub boot manager’s option line (type it when boot splash screen first appears) ?
  • ‘x11failsafe’ boot code in grub boot manager’s option line (type it when boot splash screen first appears) ?
  • fail safe settings boot option ?

All I did is downloaded the Network version and burned it onto a disk and followed the wizard…All was ok in version 11.1.

I wanted to try Moodle and it required a newer version of OpenSuse and so I chose version 11.4

As for the video, all worked fine before the upgrade. Thanx

I guess you missed my post.

Did you read the openSUSE-11.4 release notes and try any of the suggestions there ?

What can you tell us about your PC’s video card graphic hardware ?

What can you tell us about the desktop you chose ? KDE ? Gnome ? LXDE ?

Did you create a brand new /home or are you using your old /home ? If using your old /home did you have special desktop effects enabled when you upgraded ?

After installing (and the boot failing to reach the desktop) did you try re-booting with

  • 'nomodeset' boot code in grub boot manager's option line (type it when boot splash screen first appears) ?
  • 'x11failsafe' boot code in grub boot manager's option line (type it when boot splash screen first appears) ?
  • fail safe settings boot option ?

Please answer each question that has been asked, if for example you don’t know what video card you have, or how to add the boot code in grub please state that so that we can advise on these items. Without more information it is impossible for anyone to help.

I pulled away from the computer and saw your second post…If everything was working fine before moving from version 11.1 and I can only see after I logon a blank background, what does these questions have to do with my problem. There is no opportunity to see the release notes, the graphincs was never an issue prior to my upgrade, my desktop in version 11.1 was Gnome. As for booting, there too I see no problem…I only see the normal logon screen and after I record my password, I get the green colored background with no bar, no icons…maybe now you can understand what I need help with.
Thank you for your help…Rafael

Thank you for your attempt to understand my issue…I decided to loose what I had in version 11.1 and do a new fresh install…Rafael

Under the supposition that the problem could be related to graphics, your desktop settings, and your chosen desktops, it all has a LOT to do with your problem.

If you understood why it was necessary it is likely you would not be in the position where you need to ask for help.

Typically in life, that OFTEN is the way things are when one asks for help. There are things that one does not understand and one has to have a little faith together with a willingness to learn from those providing the assistance.

Without the information we asked for it is impossible for us to help.

That only proves to support the supposition noted when asking for more information and proves even more it is necessary to provide that information.

Good luck with your fresh install. Are you planning to retain your old /home and same user in the fresh install ? There is a reasonable chance you will have the EXACT same problem after the install. Hopefully this is not the case, but I would not bet on it myself.

On 08/08/2011 04:46 AM, jeaserve wrote:
> Thank you for your attempt to understand my issue…I decided to loose
> what I had in version 11.1 and do a new fresh install…

two hints:

  1. next time you decide to “upgrade” do it the supported way (the ways
    known to work successfully) and you will have a lot less pain, and a
    lot less loss:


  1. when you ask for help and a guy like oldcpu (with about 22,000 posts
    in this forum and countless in other help venues) asks for more info,
    don’t tell him his questions have nothing to do with your problem.

openSUSE®, the “German Engineered Automobiles” of operating systems!

I recently tried this Opnsuse 11.1 -> 11.4 update as well and get (I think the same error). After logging on, my previous 11.1 wall paper appears with the mouse icon. There are no other icons like trash, bar on the bottom. I can hit ctl-alt-del and get some options like shutdown, restart, help etc

Any help would be appreciated

My desktop is Gnome, I have a ATI Radeon graphics card

I see this sugestion in the relese notes - but not sure how to do this ?

With openSUSE 11.3 we switched to KMS (Kernel Mode Setting) for Intel, ATI and NVIDIA graphics, which now is our default. If you encounter problems with the KMS driver support (intel, radeon, nouveau), disable KMS by adding nomodeset to the kernel boot command line. To set this permanently, add it to the kernel command line in /boot/grub/menu.lst. This option makes sure the appropriate kernel module (intel, radeon, nouveau) is loaded with modeset=0 in initrd, i.e. KMS is disabled.

Update from 11.1->11.4 is not supported and not recommended. You should do a fresh install when making such a large leap. Note the problem could be with the gnome config files. Try renaming the hidden in your home ~/.gnome directories. Have not installed gnome for a while but there used to be 2 of them.