Upgrade 15.1 to 15.2 in VirtualBox client

When a new release of openSUSE comes out my first action is to update the repositories and run zypper dup in a VirtualBox client. I usually have VM set up as a cut-down version of my SOHO server and I’ve been trying the upgrade on that but so far without total success. The upgrade itself seems to run fine, whether from zypper dup, from DVD install ISO or from NET install ISO but I get a blank screen when I try and login to a KDE, IceWM etc. desktop.

It appears that the VirtualBox version in Leap 15.2 is 6.1.10 and the host machine (Leap 15.1) VirtualBox version is 6.0.22 - is this the cause?

Not necessarily, since I have a 15.2 VM with KDE running on VBox 6.0.22 ona 15.1 host.
But you may check that your VM video adapter is set to VboxSVGA (or maybe VMSVGA) because something changed in the Guest modules installed by 15.2.

Thanks, looks like you are right. I tried a fresh install of 15.2 to a VM and had the same problem but a change to VMSVGA seems to have fixed things :).
Now I can get on with checking that other things aren’t borked by the upgrade