Updating WoeUSB - installing WoeUSB-ng

In reference to Bug 1180037](https://bugzilla.opensuse.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1180037) - X11:Utilities/WoeUSB: Version upgrade:

WoeUSB is no longer supported. Good way is to upgrade to WoeUSB-ng.

  1. Uninstall WoeUSB if already installed.
  2. Add repo (for Leap 15.2, change according to your OS version):

zypper addrepo https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/devel:languages:python:backports/openSUSE_**Leap_15.2**/devel:languages:python:backports.repo

  1. Update pip3. Version 10.0.1 doesn’t work, version 20.2.3 work Ok.
  2. Install p7zip, p7zip-full, python3-termcolor, python3-wxPython, python3-numpy.
  3. You may want to update “pillow” package.
  4. You may want to install python3-pip-wheel (python3-wheel? python3-setuptools-wheel?).
  5. Install WoeUSB-ng:

sudo pip3 install WoeUSB-ng

It were nice to get WoeUSB-ng packaged.