Updating with kpackagekit without root password


I don’t like entering root password in KDE everyday in order to aply the updates suggested by kpackagekit.
To avoid that I think there must be two options:

  1. Configuring the updates in some way different to kpackage kit (for instance in a cron job with zypper)

  2. Configure kpackagekit so as it does not ask for root password when updating.

I’m trying the second approach, but I am not able to do It.
I’ve tried to set it up In the system settings-actions policy-org.freedesktop-the packagekit project
I change “update packages” implicit authorithations, in the right panel i change “Any” to yes and I select apply, but then it remains unchanged ( as “no” ). I thing It’s the right place to achieve what I’m looking for (maybe I’m wrong?) but I don’t know why I can’t change It.

Any help?

thank you and regards

I do not know if somebody comes here with something that you like, but the general idea here is IMHO:

  1. do not use Kpackagekit (well in fact, do not use packagekit), to many problems and YaST/zypper are the tools of choice in openSUSE.

  2. do not let every user loose on your system’s software mnagement without (s)he rightfully knowing the root password.

I second Henk’s observations.

I suggest deleting PackageKit, PackageKit-branding, and kpackagekit.
Then use YaST > Software > Online Update Configuration to automate routine updates.

It wasn’t my intention to install kpackagekit, I’ve been using zypper update from a cron, but I did a dist upgrade from 11.3 to 11.4 and the system, by default installed it.
I don’t understand that suse install by default something which cause problems with yast/zypper

  1. do not let every user loose on your system’s software mnagement without (s)he rightfully knowing the root password.

Yeah! your right, I think the correct way is doing it automatically

. I did not suggest you installed it on purpose, I know it is done by default. I know the KpackageKit applet is working by default. To my (and there are more) chagrin.

. When I say “the general idea is here”, I do mean your fellow openSUSE users here on the forum. We are not “suse” thus when you want to know why “suse” does this, don’t ask me.

. I do not know if it causes problems with YaST/zypper, imho it does cause problems. When using YaST/zypper (as we openSUSE users do allready for a long time) those problems are not emerging.

. On the forums we (old retarded openSUSE users) can only propagate not to use PackageKit. And that is not to everybodies joy.