updating tumbleweed

From what I have read a zypper dup as root updates openSUSe Tumbleweed. It also says to logout of the desktop and do so as root (su is also possible but if you gotta get out of the desktop logout seemed easier to me), if I read correctly. Being in the desktop from what I read could cause the update to hang. When I logout and log back in as root I am in the Gnome desktop. How does one get out of the Gnome desktop, probably after logging in as root to do the update. Or am I trying to do the wrong thing?

Do not login on a desktop as root. FWIW, I dup my TW from a terminal window in KDE. But the instructions you’ve read assume that you login on a console. To do that, logout from GNOME, in the login screen hit Ctrl+Alt+F2. You’ll see a login prompt. Login as your normal user, and do

sudo zypper dup

enter the root password and off it goes.

If the end of the ‘dup’ says you have to reboot, do

sudo reboot

If it doesn’t, do


then hit Ctrl+Alt+F7 to return to the login screen.

Please never ever log in any desktop (GUI) as root.

Also, this may be of interest: SDB:Login as root - openSUSE Wiki

The login was only for the duration of the update in my mind. However the first answer looks great to me. That is what I plan to do.

The duration of the root login doesn’t matter. Just keep in mind not doing it.

I understand that you did that not with the intention to break something, but out of ignorance. Nevertheless the home directory of root will now be poluted with stuff from the desktop. I do not say that that is dangerous without doubt, but it simply should never have happened.

The big mantra is: “Never run something as root that is not needed to be run as root”. And starting a desktop, a lot of things will run as root that are not needed.