Hello All
I installed the Kweb Development package. It installed all the applications but did not add them to the development section of the menu. They are listed in the “New Applications” section. How do I edit the menu so they are in the correct location? I tried to use kmenuedit but it didn’t show the “New Applications” section. So before I mess things up using the wrong tool I would like to find out how Suse wants the menus edited.
In Kmenuedit there is nothing to select hidden files. I suspect you are thinking of a different editor for the menus. What command do you use to start your menu editor? I use kmenuedit from a terminal.
I went ahead and tried using kmenuedit to see what happened. I added a submenu for web development and put quanta in it. Saved the setting and looked at the menu. There was no change to them at all. So it appears that Suse is ignoring the changes that kmenuedit makes. There must be some other tool for doing this. Any ideas???
Well I found a way to get what I want. I doubt that it’s the “correct” way. When I first tried using kmenuedit I was root. I thought this would give me the system menu. I was wrong. It created a hidden file in root home directory /root/.conf/menus/applications-kdemenuedit.menus . I then tried using kmenuedit as a user. This made the same file in my home directory. And it changed the menu. Now I will copy this file to all the home directories of the people that need these apps. This solves the problem but it’s a messy way to do it.