Warning: If you plan to replace your card with a more recent one, it’s recommended that you uninstall the NVidia DDX driver (reverting back to modesetting DDX driver (newer; default) or nouveau DDX driver (older; optional)) before upgrading your hardware.
Is this going to be as simple as uninstalling everything I’ve installed from the nvidia repository or are there any other steps I need to take to do it properly?
You can follow that link to install the driver.
Here I am using the .run installer and it’s also good. You decide which one you want to use.
Should you decide to use the .run driver just post back and will try to guide you.
@OS499846 Hi, I suspect your already running the G06 driver? If so you might need to just boot to multi-user.target and redo the xorg.conf file for the new card.
I did just uninstall everything from the nvidia repo, reboot, checked it was using nouveau (not that this proves the old drivers uninstalled fully!), installed the new card and finally nvidia drivers again. It all works as I hoped.