Updating GNOME

I don’t know if i want to post this in the application forum but here it goes…

I am using an opensuse 13.1 with gnome as my environment.

My GNOME version is 3.10.2

I heard that a new GNOME version is out (or going to be),and i want to upgrade to it without changing my current operating system.

If not can i at least update my nautilus to the newest version …

If i can do update to new versions both gnome or nautilus tell me how i can achieve it…in detailed step please…
It will be such a great help…

Thanks in advance.

AFAIK no plans, the best you will get is 3.12.2


Have a look here;

Basically add the repo, logout of X (press ctrl_alt+F1 and login as root user) or use screen before updating via zypper dup --from <your repo>

Maybe look at upgrading to Leap in a few weeks?

So what you are saying is that i cannot use a gnome 3.16 or 3.18 in my opensuse 13.1

And if so can you explain me what i can do to get gnome 3.16??

Correct, you would need to build it all yourself… not sure how that would go…

On Thu, 15 Oct 2015 20:16:01 +0000, malcolmlewis wrote:

> titanjith;2732449 Wrote:
>> So what you are saying is that i cannot use a gnome 3.16 or 3.18 in my
>> opensuse 13.1
>> And if so can you explain me what i can do to get gnome 3.16??
> Hi Correct, you would need to build it all yourself… not sure how
> that would go…

ISTR that there was an attempt to build it - and there is https://
build.opensuse.org/project/show/GNOME:STABLE:3.16 - but I’ve no idea if
it works. dimstar maintains that repo, and IIRC he’s the main GNOME
maintainer, so it should be usable. I would probably try it in a VM
first, but in theory, that might be an option.


Jim Henderson
openSUSE Forums Administrator
Forum Use Terms & Conditions at http://tinyurl.com/openSUSE-T-C

The OP is on 13.1, not 13.2 :wink:

if the OP wants the latest and greatest maybe he/she should move to Tumbleweed or Leap, 13.1 is extremely old, it is evergreen but it will only get security updates.
honestly how much could have Gnome evolved between 3.10 and 3.16 (the odd numbers are only used internally)?
is it worth the upgrade?

ps I’m not a Gnome userl

On Thu, 15 Oct 2015 22:26:01 +0000, malcolmlewis wrote:

> hendersj;2732482 Wrote:
>> On Thu, 15 Oct 2015 20:16:01 +0000, malcolmlewis wrote:
>> > titanjith;2732449 Wrote:
>> >> So what you are saying is that i cannot use a gnome 3.16 or 3.18 in
>> my
>> >> opensuse 13.1
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> And if so can you explain me what i can do to get gnome 3.16??
>> > Hi Correct, you would need to build it all yourself… not sure how
>> > that would go…
>> ISTR that there was an attempt to build it - and there is https://
>> build.opensuse.org/project/show/GNOME:STABLE:3.16 - but I’ve no idea if
>> it works. dimstar maintains that repo, and IIRC he’s the main GNOME
>> maintainer, so it should be usable. I would probably try it in a VM
>> first, but in theory, that might be an option.
> Hi The OP is on 13.1, not 13.2 :wink:

m-/ Whoops, I thought I checked an ddoublechecked before saying that. :slight_smile:


Jim Henderson
openSUSE Forums Administrator
Forum Use Terms & Conditions at http://tinyurl.com/openSUSE-T-C

Well if that the case i could upgrade to Tumbleweed then…
Well i think its worth the upgrade actually.

And can actually anyone says how to get software upgrades in opensuse
Or is it just security updates in any opensuse version???

13.1 is extremely old it was released 2 years ago that’s a lot in Linux years, Leap is bringing a lot of changes I’m not even sure there will be an evergreen anymore and from what I’ve read the life span of a distro will be 6 months after the new version comes so they will no longer be supporting the last 2 versions plus evergreen like they are now supporting 13.2 13.1 and 11.4 plus tumbleweed I think there will be LEAP and maybe 13.2 for the next 6 months we’ll see.
Going from a stable release to a rolling one might not be the best idea, Leap will be out in a week or two and the newest Gnome will be available there if not out of the box then from an extra repo.