Why do updates seems to do far more harm than good, I have repetedly had good working systems trashed by linux updates? I understand video driver reinstalls but broken xine and bluetooth I don’t understand?
dawnlove wrote:
> Why do updates seems to do far more harm than good, I have repetedly had
> good working systems trashed by linux updates? I understand video driver
> reinstalls but broken xine and bluetooth I don’t understand?
which repositories do you have selected as active?
copy and past the output of the following code entered in a terminal:
zypper repos
That has not been my experience. I’ve only had one problem in four years and that did not trash the system; it was corrected within two days.
The question may be; why do a few updates not work when all the others do?
If you run “additional repositories” such as KDE 4.2, they break often because they are development repositories - if you only use the distribution specific updates you should never have real breakage.