Updates download speed

Is there any settings for mirror brain that can be reset on my local system? I have two laptops, both connected to the same wifi AP, on the same LAN and running the same OS (Leap 15.2). One of them downloads updates at about 15-16MB/s, the other only about 1.5MB/s. They’re obviously each using a different mirror. Is there a way to reset something, or do I just need to change the mirrors manually on the slow one?

Is this a wifi connection or cable? If wifi I suspect the card driver… I have an ath9k in a Lenovo G570 and see that sort of speed…

If you use a mirror you need manually configure.

That might be the case, but it is not obvious from your information. Checking the up-/download speed aginist e.g. one of the services available on the internet, might give you the information needed to pin it down on the openSUSE software download policy.

A speed test on either laptop from speedtest.net returns ~400Mbps downloads. So, it’s not the system. Both are connected to wifi, but they both get about the same download speeds. The repositories on both have the same URI, except for packman. But, updates from the update repo, for example, download at different speeds (kernel updates, etc.).

Possibly 1st download is slow, 2nd get cached files. And many other reasons.
I never saw 15-16 MB/s dl with openSUSE updates.