updates and kde 4.1.2

Have the download dvd of kde 4.1.2, on the updates icon I get this:
“system managment locked by app. with pd 27221, user bin package kit”.
I have repos marked for suse and kde, but the system will not load non-oss. The update icon changed from a yellow triangle to green a moment ago, what’s up with this? Only a security update available…
Will a download of 4.3 help? Thanks,

What do you mean 4.3? If you mean KDE I think you mean 4.1… As 4.3 isn’t even in the works yet, 4.2 is and will be released in the new year and is looking great.

Last time I looked non-oss hasn’t been created yet, that is why you are having problems with it. Remove it from the repositories and it should fix it

Kill the package-kit application – it is causing a runtime conflict.

Where is package kit? The kde runs good so far, thanks.

  • oilpaint wrote, On 10/26/2008 01:46 PM:
    > Where is package kit? The kde runs good so far, thanks.

Hit Ctrl+Esc and type “package”


Typed “package”, and the window cleared, looked again at the list never did see package. No luck under all process or each heading on the list. Thanks :expressionless:

  • oilpaint,

but it still throws the same error when you try to update?
In this case make note of the PID, open a console, become root, then
kill PIDnumber


your updater is checking for updates
wait for it to finish or
kill the pid

I have same problem.
I am using KDE 4.1, openSUSE 11.1
Every time I boot the system, auto updater says: “Checking for updates…” and it stays like that all the time. When I try to run package management/online updates, I’m getting error:
system management locked by application with pid 27221, /usr/sbin/packagekitd.
Please close the application …etc…
When I kill it, I can access package management and do updates manually. But does anybody why is this happening?

I realized, that this is happening only when I take my laptop at home. It doesn’t happen when I plug the laptop to network at work.
It looks like packagekitd have some issue in my home network. So maybe there is some network issue (I am connected to Internet, as I’m right writing from home), but I don’t know how to locate it. (I didn’t find anything useful in /var/log/pk_backend_zypp . Is it right log?. I tried also ‘sudo cat /var/log/* |grep packagekit’ but nothing useful)
I’d appreciate any hint, that could help to solve this annoying issue.
Thank you.

My advice:

1.- Open a terminal/Konsole and; as su (root) type top. Most probabilly “packagekitid” will be the first one on the list. Type the letter “k” and write the PID number and hit <Enter>, to accept the default [15] hit <Enter> again. To exit from top, type “q”…

2.** Dissable automatic updates**

  1. That’s it.

Good luck
