Updater Error

Today, updater applet gave me this error message:
"PackageKit Error repo-not-available: File ‘/content’ not found on medium ‘http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/openSUSE:/11.2:/NonFree/standard/’ "

What could be causing it and how can i fix this problem?


I don’t have 11.2, so its a bit difficult for me to verify, but

What could be causing it

the repo specified does not exist or was unavailable when you tried it.

how can i fix this problem?

technically, this isn’t the problem; the problem is what you can’t do because of this. Taking an inspired (or not) guess at what this is preventing you from doing, I guess you may have wanted something like

Index of /distribution/11.2/repo/non-oss/suse

(which doesn’t have the / at the end, so I guess it could effectively be looking for …standard//content).
So, go into repos in yast and check that it is correct.

It would be easier to be sure if I knew what you were trying to install.

See this thread for a solution as it seems that several people have this issue (and my answer may be incorrect, but I’m not allowed to edit it anymore)

PackageKit Error repo-not-available - openSUSE Forums