updater app - where and how?

Just installed the pruchased DVD version of 11.1. Install appeared to have gone well. On page 53 of the included manual, it mentions an update app, which appears as a green geeko head on one’s panel. Gnome btw.

That didn’t happen for me and I’m having problems getting updates, etc.

I have a call in to support, but so far no call back.

Q: how does one start the above updater app?

Q: might the fact of it not starting, mean I have other problems?

Any takers on this one? TIA

> Any takers on this one? TIA

go to your menu (lizzard on the bottom left), click System > Desktop
Applet and then you can see “OpenSUSE Updater Applet”, click on that
and the updater should show up…

my GUESS is that nothing else is a problem…lots of folks have
accidentally killed the updater…