Updated Tumbleweed from 0607 to latest and certain applications wont open/visual glitches

Simply what the title says, I ran sudo zypper dup and updated around 700 packages, and removed 4 of them which were related to vlc codecs. After rebooting, certain applications either have black screens or just look very off and sometimes unusable. my DE is plasma and I am using Wayland.

I notice this error keeps popping up for the applications I try to open, but I have verified that qt6 is installed.

Jun 20 09:45:49 dell-optiplex plasmashell[2459]: error creating screencast "Could not find window id 0"
Jun 20 09:45:42 dell-optiplex kmozillahelper[17714]: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "wayland" in ""
Jun 20 09:51:04 dell-optiplex keepassxc[19680]: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "wayland" in ""

Is it really that difficult to look like 10 posts down?

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