Updated SuSE 11 - boot error

Hello, I am experienced with Windows (pretty much all versions) and not bad with hardware (built all my PCs for the last 10+ years), but I got pretty fed up with MS recently so decided to switch to another OS.

Since I notice that for a lot of questions, the first comment is ‘give us more information’ - my setup is Gigabyte S3 Mobo, 2.4Ghz Quad Core P4 core Duo, 2Gb RAM, 2 SATA 160Gb HDDs and one older 40Gb IDE HDD.

I’m a real Linux newbie and I tried various distros recently (Mint, Ubuntu, Foresight and Debian Etch), plus OpenSolaris, but SuSE mounted all the Windows partitions and I could access all the file - brilliant!

I installed SuSE 11.0 on hd0, Win XP Pro already on hd1 and installed OpenSolaris on hd2. BIOS boot order is hd0, hd1, hd2.

I installed Open SuSE 11.0 and it ran fine.

Then I ran the updater and on rebooting I got a lot of stuff that seemed to be about kdesu not being able to build kdelibs (no reply from daemon). I reinstalled it and ran everything as root, rebooting after each set of patches.

Now, there’s no problem with that, but the grub menu is not GUI and when I tried to boot the updated SuSE 11, I got “filesystem unknown”. I guessed that might be OpenSolaris, so I edited the boot loader to point to hd0,0 not hd2,0 (why it changed that from the original installation, I have no idea). It then booted OK.

Trouble is - I have to edit the loader each time and I can’t see a way in YaST2 to change the bootloader to hd0.

I have no doubt that someone can help, but remember I’m a novice!