Updated 10.3 to 11.0 (SuseUpdater Package kit trouble)

1st off, zypper backend does not work, so I switched to package kit. Suseupdater does automatically check for updates, but when I go to install the update I get the error below. I take it this was a result of the upgrade to 11.0 from 10.3. I have all the latest packages installed on my system via Smart. It looks like a permissions problem to me…Any ideas?

DBus error : org.freedesktop.PackageKit.Transaction.RefusedByPolicy : org.freedesktop.packagekit.update-package auth_admin_keep_always

Hard to believe that no one else has this same problem in this forum, OR knows why it is happening and how to fix it. I googled the problem and others have the same problem and have yet to get any help resolving the issue.


What about in Yast - Software Management

filter by repo
and check thru each for RED or BLUE packages

Red= downgrade
Blue= upgrade

Hard to believe that no one else has this same problem in this forum, OR
knows why it is happening and how to fix it. I googled the problem and
others have the same problem and have yet to get any help resolving the



Doug08’s Profile: http://forums.opensuse.org/member.php?userid=4670
View this thread: http://forums.opensuse.org/showthread.php?t=400215

What about in Yast - Software Management

filter by repo
and check thru each for RED or BLUE packages

Red= downgrade
Blue= upgrade

Box: Linux x86_64 | OS 11.0 | (KDE4.1.3) “63.2” | M2N4-SLI
| AMD 64 X2 5200+ | nVidia 8500GT | 2GB RAM
Lap: OS 11.0 | Celeron 550 | (KDE4.1.3)“63.2” | Intel 965 GM | Lenovo
R61e | 1GB RAM

caf4926’s Profile: http://forums.opensuse.org/member.php?userid=204
View this thread: http://forums.opensuse.org/showthread.php?t=400215