Hi there to any potential angel that wants to help me out
Before: I am pretty inexperienced, when it comes to linux so please bear with me.
**Approach: **I want to update my laptop from the distribution 13.2 (KDE) to Leap 42.1 and I am following the official guide
It strongly warns to run the update in runlevel 3, so following
I enter the command *init 3 *and again log in as root with password.
**Problem: **From here on I have no network connection. (I checked via ip a) My assumption is that since KDE is no longer active, so is the KDE wallet that handles my passwords for Network Manager (Wicked is inactive). My only means of connecting to the internet is via wifi. Is there an easy solution for this that doesn’t involve manually setting up my entire wifi connection in the terminal? If there isn’t, I still have a hard time finding a step by step guide for that approach either, would this one work in my environment?
Thanks for any help!
Is this ethernet or wifi?
Wifi and I can’t connect otherwise.
Thanks for help in advance.
In the GUI Network Management icon click click wrench select the device and edit select “allow all user to use this connection” This will keep NM running when you logout of the GUI
To avoid another potential pitfall, see /etc/zypp/zypp.conf
## Commit download policy to use as default.
## DownloadOnly, Just download all packages to the local cache.
## Do not install. Implies a dry-run.
## DownloadInAdvance, First download all packages to the local cache.
## Then start to install.
## DownloadInHeaps, Similar to DownloadInAdvance, but try to split
## the transaction into heaps, where at the end of
## each heap a consistent system state is reached.
## DownloadAsNeeded Alternating download and install. Packages are
## cached just to avid CD/DVD hopping. This is the
## traditional behaviour.
## <UNSET> If a value is not set, empty or unknown, we pick
## some sane default.
## commit.downloadMode =
I strongly recommend to set -at least during dist upgrade-
commit.downloadMode = DownloadInAdvance
especially -but not only- when using a wifi connection.
If using the “DownloadAsNeeded” method (default behavior) and your network connection breaks during installation, you might be seriously screwed as the system is not necessarily in a consistent state during the whole process.
The only drawback, you will need a few GB (depending on the amount of packages installed) of free disk space during the upgrade, which should not really be a big problem today.
A (much) more simpler way than my last suggestion:
Before doing the “real” the dist-upgrade via
zypper dist-upgrade
simply run
zypper dist-upgrade -d
which will only download (-d) the packages (without installing them), store them locally (in /var/cache/zypp/packages/) and give you pretty much the same effect without the need of changing zypp.conf.
Zypper will also inform the user on how much disk space will be needed for downloading all the packages.
thank you so much gogalthorp and Akoellh!
That did the trick and was very simple on top. Even more your further tips might be very helpful, I’ll save that for the next time I upgrade my distro. Sadly, that won’t be now, since I decided to buy a “new” used laptop, this one has too many hardware troubles. (The soundcard just gave complexly out, but it’s way worse than that…)
But thank you very much again.