I’m trying to update a machine from 12.2 to 13.1 (because that’s what the latest CUDA version requires. I’m using the net install from a USB stick (I successfully did a fresh install from it, after switching to an SSD in this machine). The install begins, walks through several screens, then begins loading a couple of GBytes of upgrade files. This continues for some time, apparently normally judging from occasional looks at the screen. However, at some point it apparently loops back to the beginning, because I get the initial license screen again. It then appears to go through the whole update process again, downloading another couple of GBytes (probably the same ones), then at some point loops back to the license screen to begin the update AGAIN.
After a couple of cycles of this, it apparently got tired and decided to do a full install, as after the license screen it went to the timezone setting screen. Here I aborted it, and tried to boot the system, but it boots to a console, no X or FVWM2 window manager.
So is there any way I can get it to complete the update, and get back to a working system without the hassle of re-installing a lot of stuff (like the window manager) by hand?