Update from 11.4 to 12.1 with encrypted partitions


I upgraded my 11.4 version to 12.1 and I’m currently not able to boot it anymore. The 11.4 was set up on a RAID1 and one partition was encrypted (LVM and luks). I think I did not loose data, because I can manually decrypt the partition, but I just can get it to boot in 12.1.

Here are my details. I think there are several problems.

Booting from my hard disk gives the following error:
{hd0,2}/message invalid file format
After a couple of seconds, Error 15: File not found
This is correct I guess, because I uninstalled kernel 3.1.10-1.16 and installed the one from the DVD without updates

Using the 11.4 (not 12.1) rescue mode from a DVD, I do the following:

cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sda4 lvmsys 
vgscan        ## scan for volume groups 
vgchange -a y ## activates the volume groups 
ls /dev/mapper  ## see what the names are 
mount /dev/mapper/system-root /mnt 
mount /dev/mapper/system-home /mnt/home
mount /dev/sda3 /mnt/boot 
mount -o bind /proc /mnt/proc 
mount -o bind /dev /mnt/dev
chroot /mnt

I can see all my file in the encrypted container and start yast. But using the bootloader within yast in chrooted mode does not fix my boot problems.

Using the 12.1 rescue mode, entering my password gives an error. In 11.4 rescue mode it works.

I think my first step is to fix the bootloader and make 12.1 start up to the point where the password is asked for to open the encrypted partition. How can I do this?

Any help is appreciated.