Update file not found on medium issue

Hi, new OpenSuse user here.

I read this articel on the Welcome screen about the new CDN repos (https://news.opensuse.org/2023/07/31/try-out-cdn-with-opensuse-repos/) and decided to give it a go, basically I did this:

sudo zypper in openSUSE-repos-Tumbleweed,
and after that I am having issue with update:

I don’t know if it’s related to the CDN repos or just a coincident.

The top 3 files I checked, they are actually in the Url, and I don’t know what’s exactly cause Zypper think it cannot found them in the Url.

You are using third-party repositories which may not be mirrored on CDN. You need to contact the person mentioned in this announcement (or post to factory list) and clarify it. This announcement was only about “official” repositories, not about anything else.

Thanks @arvidjaar, I’ve reported my issue on Github, I didn’t know what’s a factory list, and found it by Google before this reply.

Just as I am new to OpenSuse, I just want post in the forums in case there are something obvious I missed.

You are using third-party repositories which may not be mirrored on CDN.

@arvidjaar , I don’t understand this part, the few files zypper missed are not from third-party repos isn’t? Or you are talking about OpenSuse Leap VS Wumbleweed?

Anything under /repositories is not part of openSUSE distribution. If you pasted text output as text instead of doing it as image, I could also quote it and show you exactly what I mean.

@arvidjaar , thanks I am just curious, here is part of my zypper dup outputs:

In cache grub2-2.06-55.1.x86_64.rpm                                                                                              (6/103),   3.4 MiB    
Retrieving: grub2-i386-pc-2.06-55.1.noarch (openSUSE:Tumbleweed)                                                                 (7/103), 905.3 KiB    
Retrieving: grub2-i386-pc-2.06-55.1.noarch.rpm .............................................................................................[not found]
File './noarch/grub2-i386-pc-2.06-55.1.noarch.rpm' not found on medium 'https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/openSUSE:/Tumbleweed/standard/'
Abort, retry, ignore? [a/r/i/...? shows all options] (a): r
Retrieving: grub2-i386-pc-2.06-55.1.noarch.rpm .............................................................................................[not found]
File './noarch/grub2-i386-pc-2.06-55.1.noarch.rpm' not found on medium 'https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/openSUSE:/Tumbleweed/standard/'
Abort, retry, ignore? [a/r/i/...? shows all options] (a): r
Retrieving: grub2-i386-pc-2.06-55.1.noarch.rpm .............................................................................................[not found]
File './noarch/grub2-i386-pc-2.06-55.1.noarch.rpm' not found on medium 'https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/openSUSE:/Tumbleweed/standard/'
Abort, retry, ignore? [a/r/i/...? shows all options] (a): i
Warning: You have chosen to ignore a problem with download or installation of a package which might lead to broken dependencies of other packages. It is recommended to run 'zypper verify' after the operation has finished.
In cache libSDL-1_2-0-32bit-1.2.64-1.4.x86_64.rpm                                                                                (8/103),  78.2 KiB    
In cache libSDL2-2_0-0-2.28.2-1.1.x86_64.rpm                                                                                     (9/103), 653.3 KiB    
In cache libblkid1-2.39.1-2.1.x86_64.rpm                                                                                        (10/103), 131.4 KiB    
In cache libblkid1-32bit-2.39.1-2.1.x86_64.rpm                                                                                  (11/103), 141.9 KiB    
In cache libgbm1-23.1.5-355.1.x86_64.rpm                                                                                        (12/103),  79.2 KiB    
In cache libgbm1-32bit-23.1.5-355.1.x86_64.rpm                                                                                  (13/103),  78.8 KiB    
In cache liblangtag1-0.6.4-1.1.x86_64.rpm                                                                                       (14/103), 270.1 KiB    
In cache libopenssl3-3.1.2-1.1.x86_64.rpm                                                                                       (15/103),   2.1 MiB    
In cache libopenssl3-32bit-3.1.2-1.1.x86_64.rpm                                                                                 (16/103),   2.1 MiB    
In cache libpaper-2.1.1-1.1.x86_64.rpm                                                                                          (17/103),  23.2 KiB    
In cache libsmartcols1-2.39.1-2.1.x86_64.rpm                                                                                    (18/103),  75.0 KiB    
In cache libuuid1-2.39.1-2.1.x86_64.rpm                                                                                         (19/103),  45.7 KiB    
In cache libuuid1-32bit-2.39.1-2.1.x86_64.rpm                                                                                   (20/103),  46.0 KiB    
In cache libvdpau_nouveau-23.1.5-355.1.x86_64.rpm                                                                               (21/103),   3.3 MiB    
In cache libvlccore9-3.0.18-9.1.x86_64.rpm                                                                                      (22/103), 466.5 KiB    
In cache openSUSE-release-appliance-custom-20230804-2430.1.x86_64.rpm                                                           (23/103),   8.0 KiB    
Retrieving: python3-cupshelpers-1.5.18-3.1.noarch (openSUSE:Tumbleweed)                                                         (24/103),  39.3 KiB    
Retrieving: python3-cupshelpers-1.5.18-3.1.noarch.rpm ......................................................................................[not found]
File './noarch/python3-cupshelpers-1.5.18-3.1.noarch.rpm' not found on medium 'https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/openSUSE:/Tumbleweed/standard/'
Abort, retry, ignore? [a/r/i/...? shows all options] (a): i
Warning: You have chosen to ignore a problem with download or installation of a package which might lead to broken dependencies of other packages. It is recommended to run 'zypper verify' after the operation has finished.
In cache tar-rmt-1.34-12.1.x86_64.rpm                                                                                           (25/103),  39.1 KiB    
Retrieving: ucode-amd-20230731-1.1.noarch (openSUSE:Tumbleweed)                                                                 (26/103), 130.7 KiB    
Retrieving: ucode-amd-20230731-1.1.noarch.rpm ..............................................................................................[not found]
File './noarch/ucode-amd-20230731-1.1.noarch.rpm' not found on medium 'https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/openSUSE:/Tumbleweed/standard/'
Abort, retry, ignore? [a/r/i/...? shows all options] (a):  
Problem occurred during or after installation or removal of packages:

This path is not part of the openSUSE repositories. It seems to be redirected to the standard URL here, but I do not know if it can be relied upon. It may depend on geographical location among other factors.

bor@bor-Latitude-E5450:~$ curl -ILs https://cdn.opensuse.org/repositories/openSUSE:/Tumbleweed/standard/noarch/grub2-i386-pc-2.06-55.1.noarch.rpm | grep -i location:
location: https://download.opensuse.org/tumbleweed/repo/oss/noarch/grub2-i386-pc-2.06-55.1.noarch.rpm
location: https://mirror.linux-ia64.org/opensuse/tumbleweed/repo/oss/noarch/grub2-i386-pc-2.06-55.1.noarch.rpm

What is the output on your case?

Did you try standard URL (https://cdn.opensuse.org/tumbleweed/repo/oss/)?

That’s my:

paul@linux:/etc/zypp/repos.d> curl -ILs https://cdn.opensuse.org/repositories/openSUSE:/Tumbleweed/standard/noarch/grub2-i386-pc-2.06-55.1.noarch.rpm | grep -i location:
location: https://mirror.firstyear.id.au/repositories/openSUSE:/Tumbleweed/standard/noarch/grub2-i386-pc-2.06-55.1.noarch.rpm

And you are right, the file is not in my mirror.

Again - you should never need to use this URL in the first place. I am pretty sure you already have another repository definition using the standard URL and this one is simply redundant. You may post

zypper lr -d

if you yourself are not sure.

Here is mine:

paul@linux:/etc/zypp/repos.d> zypper lr -d
#  | Alias                                | Name                     | Enabled | GPG Check | Refresh | Priority | Type   | URI                                                                                        | Service
 1 | VLC_Tumbleweed                       | VLC Tumbleweed           | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | Yes     |   99     | rpm-md | https://download.videolan.org/pub/vlc/SuSE/Tumbleweed/                                     | 
 2 | download.nvidia.com-tumbleweed       | nVidia Graphics Drivers  | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | Yes     |   99     | rpm-md | https://download.nvidia.com/opensuse/tumbleweed                                            | 
 3 | https-download.opensuse.org-0c32967b | home:fusionfuture:joplin | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | Yes     |   99     | rpm-md | https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/fusionfuture:/joplin/openSUSE_Tumbleweed/ | 
 4 | https-download.opensuse.org-7d713b7c | openSUSE:Tumbleweed      | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | Yes     |   99     | rpm-md | https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/openSUSE:/Tumbleweed/standard/                  | 
 5 | https-download.opensuse.org-ca725f80 | openSUSE:Tumbleweed      | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | Yes     |   99     | rpm-md | https://download.opensuse.org/tumbleweed/repo/oss/                                         | 
 6 | openSUSE:repo-non-oss                | repo-non-oss             | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | Yes     |   99     | rpm-md | http://cdn.opensuse.org/tumbleweed//repo/non-oss                                           | openSUSE
 7 | openSUSE:repo-openh264               | repo-openh264            | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | Yes     |   99     | rpm-md | http://codecs.opensuse.org/openh264/openSUSE_Tumbleweed                                    | openSUSE
 8 | openSUSE:repo-oss                    | repo-oss                 | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | Yes     |   99     | rpm-md | http://cdn.opensuse.org/tumbleweed//repo/oss                                               | openSUSE
 9 | openSUSE:repo-oss-debug              | repo-oss-debug           | No      | ----      | ----    |   99     | NONE   | http://cdn.opensuse.org/debug/tumbleweed//repo/oss                                         | openSUSE
10 | openSUSE:repo-oss-source             | repo-oss-source          | No      | ----      | ----    |   99     | NONE   | http://cdn.opensuse.org/source/tumbleweed//repo/oss                                        | openSUSE
11 | openSUSE:update-tumbleweed           | update-tumbleweed        | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | Yes     |   99     | rpm-md | http://cdn.opensuse.org/update/tumbleweed/                                                 | openSUSE
12 | skype-stable                         | skype (stable)           | Yes     | (r ) Yes  | Yes     |   99     | rpm-md | https://repo.skype.com/rpm/stable/                       

I don’t know whether there is a problem or not.

4 and 5 are duplicates of 8 and can be removed. It makes no sense to use both repository service and local repository definitions for the same content.

Thanks, I got basically same response from my issue reported in GitHub, I need disable the old repos, and after done that, it works. and I think it’s much faster now.

PS: sorry I am using my work laptop during the week, and my desktop PC basically for weekend only. I tried your solution yesterday, but then when trying to response from my laptop, realized that I forgot to save my forum password into my password manager :sweat_smile: