Update Error

Update Error:
problem with the installed libfreebl3-3.66-lp153.1.4.x86_64
problem with the installed libfreebl3-hmac-3.66-lp153.1.4.x86_64
problem with the installed libsoftokn3-3.66-lp153.1.4.x86_64
problem with the installed libsoftokn3-hmac-3.66-lp153.1.4.x86_64

It says I have 94 new updates, but this error message isn’t telling me anything useful. Any suggestions for how to proceed?

Tumbleweed KDE

You have a Leap repository active… lp153 is the giveaway…

Post the output from;

zypper lr -d

For Tumbleweed there are no updates as you should be using zypper dup to move to the next snapshot.