Update and get a white screen


i checked a few hours to get new update of tumbleewed.

i use it with kde 5.

i done the update, i see the progress bar of the login and suddendly i see a white screen and nothing progress anymore.

i have an intel video card in my laptop.

i rename user folder and create a new one… same problem

any idea?


if a proprietry driver has being installed
its suggested it be removed
then the Radeon driver be installed
before trying the update again
(the proprietry driver can be re-installed later)

the new update has been tried on several installs without incident
all using the Radeon driver

Kernel: 4.2.1-3-desktop x86_64 (64 bit)/4.2.1-3-desktop x86 (32 bit)
Desktop: KDE Plasma 5.4.1 Distro: openSUSE 20150924 (Tumbleweed)

The OP doesn’t have an AMD/ATI card, but an Intel.

i forced to reinstall all package and that worked