update 11.1 RC1 when final release?

Hi everybody reading this. I just want to ask if the 11.1RC1 will update via Yast/online to final version when released, or should I have to download the final version and install again?
Thank you

You should be able to update it, but more is involved than the normal daily updates. It require you to change the repos to 11.1 final then do a zypper dup

caf4926 wrote:
> You should be able to update it, but more is involved than
> daily updates. It require you to change the repos to 11.1
There are already links there I guess.
I have just changed to 11.1 without RC1
and can see all RC1 packages.

> then do a zypper dup
of cause not up but dup


Ok, allready changed the repos to 11.1. If I type this url (without RC1) in browser Ill be redirected to the RC1 repo.
Ill be back in march 2009, hope the box doesnt crash :expressionless: > scary wife :wink:

Thank you guys

I played around with the 11.1RC1 and I have to say it’s looking really, really sweet. It’s a bother some of the packages and 1-click stuff isn’t ready yet such as codecs/amarok(mp3) stuff and nvidia drivers (I think? although I did manage to install Vuze from Packman…) but I guess once 11.1 final is out that should be sorted.

By the way - ati has new drivers for openSUSE11.1 package making ready.
I just now run with them now without problem

It’s really better to make a clean install, some bad configuration files from RC1 could be left so it is advised to make a clean install (at least i think sorotfl!).