unused libs and applications

How do i remove unued libs from my system.
Eg. i intall an application and it installs 2-3 extra libraries and maybe some more applications in order to function.When i uninstall the application yast uninstalls only he application and leaves the extra libs installed.Who do i uninstall then as well.
Obsiously im not talking about manual unistall.
Is there a way to do it with yast or with another system tool?

Thnx a lot in advance

Yes, you can use yast to remove unused dependencies (and it will warn you if other packages depend on it). But unless you are running out of storage, I don’t see much point. Keeping them could save you having to retrieve them again if some other package you want depends on them as well.

i’ve wondered this same thing. i’m a recent convert from (k)ubuntu & it would be nice if yast had a filter like synaptic/aptitude for uneeded packages…

I did want to mention that if you have installed any software from source, yast or other tools will not know if the packages you are removing are depended upon by that source-installed software. Thus, you risk breaking things, unless you have kept track of which packages are required by things you have installed from tarballs and such. Can debs/dpkg keep track of that as well?

you didn’t say anything i didn’t know already.
are you asking if debs/dpkg can keep track of source-installed software? if so, no. i don’t know of a package manager that does. would be nice…

Used with kubuntu as well here,but im giving opensuse a second chance.Dint find how to remove extra packages with yast yet.Ill check it out and post if i have any issues.Thnx a lot for your replies.

In yast, for any package you want to remove, just click on it until you see a red “X”, then accept the changes. Or right click, go to “All in this List” and select delete, or the red “X”.

There is no capability to do this with RPM as it has no method to keep track of orphaned packages.

So i have to keep a track of libs and extra packages coming in and then remove them by myself manually?

Yes, if you want to manage packages pulled in as deps that are no longer needed.

I don’t see the need to do it. I am also a kubuntu -> openSUSE convert. Library files take up very little space. It’s also bad practice, I think, to remove a package that isn’t causing you problems.

Another thing you can do is to check what the dependencies are of that particular application before/after you remove it and search for the orphaned packages yourself.

Or, you could look through package groups and organize them according to size or installed and remove the ones you think you don’t need.

I don’t see the need to do it. I am also a kubuntu -> openSUSE convert.
Library files take up very little space. It’s also bad practice, I
think, to remove a package that isn’t causing you problems.

Another thing you can do is to check what the dependencies are of that
particular application before/after you remove it and search for the
orphaned packages yourself.

Or, you could look through package groups and organize them according
to size or installed and remove the ones you think you don’t need.


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