Unsteady sound with 82801 ICH8 / ALC268

Hi there.

I’ve just installed 11.3 on my laptop (Nexoc E619).
My soundcard was set-up too, as an Intel 82801H (ICH8 Family) (YAST Information)
It is listed however, under System-Settings>Multimedia as HDA Intel (ALC268 Analog) which I believe to be correct, after having looked at some older threads.

I can actually play music etc. but with the small problem, that the repeat ‘skips’ some ms at, what it looks like to me, random points.

Even playing the testing sound in YaST gives me a different skip-pattern each time.

Now here’s the alsa information:


What happens when you disable special desktop effects ? Do you have the same problem ?

Please also take a look at step-7 in the audio troubleshooting guide, some (not all) of which ‘might’ be relevant.

If I disable desktop effects (incl. compositing) the problem remains

The point with PulseAudio will be tested.

Thanks for the information

Eureka! It works!

Installing Pulse Audio really did make the trick.

Thanks a lot.