Hi there!
I’'ve got the 11.0 (KDE4) CD version installed rigth now, but it seems to dont have recognized my USB Wireless device…
I know it is a unknown prism device, i know it because when i tried to install it from a dvd image installed on the hd it loaded sucesfully a prism driver(i dunno if the 54 or the 2…)
I also know is a prism because our ISP gave me the windwos drivers…
The Win drivers are listed as PRISMA00 and PRISMA02…
Searching them on google does not give more information that i allready have…
After this, i have 2 questions:
HOW do i to manage to make the USB Device recognizable by the system as it did on the fake dvd setup?
If isnt, how i obtain the famous prism driver for it?
Thanks a lot
I Just found the page of the ISP with some not very usefull data of the device
Yes, it is real!
ALSO i found it could be and amper, because in a page that is redirected from “The AMPER THAT TELEFÓNICA distributes”
Also, it could be inside the i586 folder of the image?
Here’s a hint!
I donnot have any media decives, and taday the floppy is obsolete
try lsusb in a console to find out what device it is,just to be sure,then, have a look here to see what drivers/firmware it may need Linux wireless LAN support http://linux-wless.passys.nl
lsusb results: (i must write it from another mac)
Bus 002 Device 002: ID 09aa:1000 Intersil Corp. Prism GT 802.11b/g adapter
Well, there are drivers for that? (NDISWRAPPER IS EVIL)
It Seems that the driver needed is the P54…
Any help installing it?
Or even beter, IS THERE ANY RPM out there to make an EASIER INSTALL?
Oh, man! while trying to enable the impossible ethernet connection, i enabled by luck the prism GT adapter!!!
But, there’s a problem… I does not connect to my Router…
It has a 32char-long hex password… but i deleted the keychains in my mac and tested the password… it can connect, the PC, instead, cant! >:(
Any suggestions?
Well, the password for your wireless connection must be entered in YAST/Network Devices/Network Settings. When the window appears, you click on your wireless card and on Edit. Check out carefully all the options, are they in tune with your router (if it says DHCP, does your router have DHCP ability? Probably it does, so try leaving DHCP here, otherwise select a static IP in your router’s range.) Then click on Proceed to get to the next screen. Here you carefully fill-in the ESSID of your wireless network and choose the type of encryption you have on your router - they must match exactly, WPA for WPA, WEP for WEP etc. I don’t use encryption because I live in a secluded area, but, anyhow, if you use it, fill-in the required password. Clicking on Proceed again should update your connection settings and if you filled in everything right, the NetworkManager should connect you to your router. Filling everything in correctly is of the essence here - if you make one little mistake anywhere, you won’t get a connection. You can check that with the ifconfig and/or iwconfig command (as root, of course).
When It connects… it stucks on the <<enabling network device>> or something… i cant know if it uses dinamic ip because i cannot enter to my router(says it is not connected), but i should have dynamic ip, because when the router goes off, the ip changes…
It says something about curl and a server not resolved…
i shutted down it and i’m not gonna mount again the system(as it is on a provisional place, i must deattach the power supply, all wires and the display)
I hope that tomorrow it’ll be resolved
You’ll have to enter into your router’s setup from another system (be it wired or wireless) to write down all the settings you need. Otherwise you’ll never make this work. The settings in your router and in your card must match perfectly, there’s no other way…