Hi. I’d like some information about the following log entries please. They started appearing the first day I began using TW and they still do.
The following ones originating from NetworkManager, appear every half an hour approximately. Although the system contains a wifi adapter (wlo1), I am not using it. I am using a wired network connection.
The following ones coming from nmbd, appear in red every five minutes exactly.
1/13/25 11:00 PM nmbd [2025/01/13 23:00:38.738432, 0] …/…/source3/nmbd/nmbd_namequery.c:109(query_name_response)
1/13/25 11:00 PM nmbd query_name_response: Multiple (2) responses received for a query on subnet computer IP for name WORKGROUP<1d>.
1/13/25 11:00 PM nmbd This response was from IP other computer’s IP, reporting an IP address of same other computer’s IP.
What do they mean? Are they normal?
Thank you.
p.s. An older system, running TW too, doesn’t contain a WiFi adapter and it’s understandable why NetworkManager does not produce those entries on that one. Samba though is configured exactly the same way on both systems, sharing folders, yet there are no entries from nmbd on that one at all.
With respect to nmbd, I assume that you’re using this because you have a legacy samba environment (SMBv1) using NetBIOS for discovery/name resolution. A more complete description of your samba host and configuration might be helpful here.
In any case, I’m speculating that the samba host in question has more than one interface present? Anonymizing IP addresses makes things difficult to comment on more specifically.
@deano_ferrari, Yes, the system that produces these messages has two network adapters as I’ve stated in the initial post. I am using the wired LAN adapter. The other one is a wifi adapter (wlo1) that is not connected.
I am using samba the way it was configured during the system installation. I have just added the folders I wanted to share over the network using Samba Server in yast. Of course I’ve added the necessary commands for each share, like writeable, browseable etc. I haven’t edited /etc/samba/smb.conf or changed any other setting manually in any way.
Well, you should definitely be using SMB2 (or later) if your hosts are capable of it. Modern samba implementations don’t use NetBIOS at all, so nmbd isn’t required. I haven’t used it for years. In my home network with occasional need for samba connectivity, I use Avahi for local name resolution, (and Windows hosts can be discovered using WSD if using KDE with Dolphin file browser for example).
You’re right. It’s just that I never thought of changing the minimum protocol in smb.conf since whenever I run smbstatus on the server, it shows that SMB3_11 is used on every connection, so I guess everything is OK.