Its a Unity style plasmoid for the taskbar in KDE. I cannot find it in any OpenSuse repository. Nor do I find it when I try looking for additional plasmoids. I must say, the selection of additional plasma elements are pitiful (but thats another discussion…).
Edit: I found this plasmoid in the following repository: /repositories/KDE:/Extra/openSUSE_12.1
I have added the KDE repository from Upstream release aka. KR47 (KDE SC 4.7).
The plasmoid-icon-tasks needs KDE 4.7.3, and with OpenSuse 12.1 came KDE 4.7.2. How do I upgrade my KDE to 4.7.3 without manually selection every single KDE package from 4.7.2 to 4.7.3?
When I fired up YAST package manager I got the option to change system packages. It then changed all the packages that where in the KDE repos to 4.7.3, but some of the packages in the KDE 47 repo had older version than came with the official OpenSuse 12.1.
Its the KDE 47 repository “Stable aka. KDS (KDE SC 4.7)” which have the same version of some of these files that came with OpenSuse 12.1, but the OpenSuse repository page recommends the other Upstream release. So perhaps I should use KDS?
I’m sorry I replied myself so many times, but edit options is only available for 10 minutes.
The plasmoid-icon-tasks needs KDE 4.7.3, and with OpenSuse 12.1 came KDE 4.7.2. How do I upgrade my KDE to 4.7.3 without manually selection every single KDE package from 4.7.2 to 4.7.3?
In yast –> repositories tab –> click on “switch system packages to the versions in this repository”.