Uninstalling gnome

Hi, newish user here. I have Opensuse 11.0 with KDE 4.1.2 installed. For curiosity, I recently installed the GNOME desktop, just to see if I liked it. I don’t. However, after installing GNOME, my file associations in KDE got all messed up and is choosing GNOME apps like Totem for video.

Frankly, I would just like to get rid of GNOME entirely, but when I try to uninstall it using YAST, I get a seemingly endless list of dependency problems, most of which I am not sure what to do with. Is there any way to get rid of GNOME while not screwing up my KDE?

Thanks in advance, and of course I can supply any information need.

Probably not a good idea to remove it. It can be done.

I would try:
From KDE
Yast - Software Management
Filter by Patterns (temporarily un-check the auto check)
In the Gnome Desktop and Base sections
go to the packages tab at the top and choose all in this list - delete
do this to both the base and desktop of Gnome
then run the check

If that doesn’t work. I would leave it alone.

There may be a way with zypper but I’m not clued up enough on zypper to tell you