Uninstall openSUSE from vista/suse dual boot ?

Hi everyone,
I’m trying to uninstall suse from my dual boot, cause I’m gonna install suse in another pc…
I’ve got a HD 250 Gb
In vista:
and 30GB of HD I’ve installed openSUSE 11 with kde 3.5…
Know the problem is how to format those partitons of linux with NTFS and after formating to unit those free space to Vista…

a quck search revealed this lot

Uninstall openSUSE 11.0 - openSUSE Forums
Uninstall - openSUSE Forums
Safe uninstall? - openSUSE Forums

nifty tool, the search function :wink:


Down inside the 2nd thread above (post #9) is a very important to-do in advance of removing, that is often overlooked . . . if this applies to your system, it could be unbootable if not done beforehand.

Guys thank u first for ur time spent in my question.

Ok, the flag is set to windows boot partition,
but when I do from openSUSE
Yast → system → bootloader → Other → Restore MBR of hard disk.

It says it’s restored successful, but when I restart PC, the Grub is there yet…

1* How can I repair the MBR from vista without format pc or repair, can it done from cmd cause I’ll get command promt when I boot vista cd, or is it any other way :shame:

2* If I repair the MBR, how to format the linux partitions, any tools ? then those partitions how can I merge with vistas partition…

Just use your Vista repair for the boot. Once you’re in Vista, you can simply delete the linux partitions, which will create unallocated space. Vista may allow you to re-size (expand) its existing partition to include that space BUT note than the MS instructions note that doing so “may” be a problem. So, the 100% safest route is to use the unallocated space to create a new partition, format it NTFS, good to go. Either way, you could do everything you want from Vista Disk Management.

thnx mingus725,
thnx deltaflyer44
The problem it’s solved.
I’ve repaired the MBR with the software called EasyBCD then I’ve deleted the partitions from Vista Disk Management where was openSUSE installed, then I’ve formated and merged with Vista’s.