I’ve set up a machine to dual boot Windows XP and openSUSE 11.1. I’m new to this and while the installation appears to have worked (I can boot into both OSes now) I’m a little confused about the resulting drive sizes.
I installed XP first and in that process I created 3 partitions (40GB–39.something actually–for XP, 40GB for linux and the remaining space was reserved for file sharing b/n the systems).
When installing openSUSE, I used the custom partition option to allocate space for both a swap partition and the root partition (with the sum of the two equaling, I thought, 40GB.
The weird thing that occurred after all was said and done was that the Windows partition GREW by 2GB. Does anyone know why this might occur? What might I have done wrong? Thanks for helping a noob!
I’m not sure exactly, but AFAIK it’s got something to do with counting 1000 for a kB or, as it should be, 1024.
If you put in a 250GB disk, size reported by manufacturor and Windows is 250GB. Linux reports about 232GB, which is the real size. So there’s no way you’re gonna store 240GB on such a disk. But that would explain the other way round.
But it’s not something to worry about. Only when your disk is 98% full…or not