Unattended 15.6 issue

I’m trying to setup my Leap 15.6 unattended install based on the 15.5 which is working without issues. However for some reason 15.6 is not and it tells me there is no repository.

When I check and compare the logs of both I see a difference but do not know why that happens

first 15.5
(Intel PRO/1000 MT Desktop Adapter)
url_setup_device: nfs://172.21.204.xx/data/LinuxInstall/openSUSE-Leap15.5/openSUSE-Leap15.5-DVD-x86_64.iso?device=eth0
setup_interface: eth0 already up
[server = 172.21.204.xx]
nfs: /data/LinuxInstall/openSUSE-Leap15.5/openSUSE-Leap15.5-DVD-x86_64.iso: is file, mounting one level up
[server = 172.21.204.xx]
mount -o ‘nolock’ ‘172.21.204.xx:/data/LinuxInstall/openSUSE-Leap15.5’ ‘/mounts/mp_0001’
nfs: /data/LinuxInstall/openSUSE-Leap15.5 → /mounts/mp_0001 (0)

mount: dev = /mounts/mp_0001/openSUSE-Leap15.5-DVD-x86_64.iso, dir = /var/adm/mount, flags = 0x1
mod_insmod(isofs, )
exec: insmod /modules/isofs.ko.zst = 0
/mounts/mp_0001/openSUSE-Leap15.5-DVD-x86_64.iso: type = iso9660.
mount: /mounts/mp_0001/openSUSE-Leap15.5-DVD-x86_64.iso: we need a loop device
mount: using /dev/loop2

then 15.6
(Intel PRO/1000 MT Desktop Adapter)
url_setup_device: nfs://172.21.204.xx/data/LinuxInstall/openSUSE-Leap15.6/openSUSE-Leap15.6-DVD-x86_64.iso?device=eth0
setup_interface: eth0 already up
[server = 172.21.204.xx]
nfs: /data/LinuxInstall/openSUSE-Leap15.6/openSUSE-Leap15.6-DVD-x86_64.iso: is file, mounting one level up
[server = 172.21.204.xx]
mount -o ‘nolock’ ‘172.21.204.xx:/data/LinuxInstall/openSUSE-Leap15.6’ ‘/mounts/mp_0001’
nfs: /data/LinuxInstall/openSUSE-Leap15.6 → /mounts/mp_0001 (0)

url mount: nfs://172.21.204.xx/data/LinuxInstall/openSUSE-Leap15.6/openSUSE-Leap15.6-DVD-x86_64.iso?device=eth0 failed
device not found (err = 1): eth0
repository: not found
no openSUSE Leap 15.6 repository found

Until the empty line everything is the same then in 15.5 the iso is mounted on the new install but in 15.6 the mount doesn’t seem to work. I tried it manually but the iso image is available

Do I have to make changes to my config to get 15.6 working in unattended mode.

the line from grub.cfg which makes the call for the unattended install
linux openSUSE/Leap15.6/x86_64/linux autoyast=nfs://172.21.204.xx/data/LinuxInstall/autoYast/ install=nfs://172.21.204.xx/data/LinuxInstall/openSUSE-Leap15.6/openSUSE-Leap15.6-DVD-x86_64.iso?type=file splash=verbose showopts

NFSv3 vs. NFSv4?

NFS is v4.2 for both as it is one and the same share.


Is the unattended installation being executed in a Virtual Machine?

  • If yes, can the Virtual Machine instance access the Host Machine’s eth0 device?

It is indeed on a virtual machine, but I can copy the logfiles from within the instance (virtual) to the NFS share so yes it can access the network card.

In the mean time I have tried on a physical machine but with the same results.

To me it seems as if something around the mount of iso has changed and maybe I need to provide an additional kernel command line parameter but I have not yet found online the right information


Where did you obtain the Leap 15.6 image?

From here? – <openSUSE Leap 15.6>

And, did you verify the download? – instructions here – <Checksums>

Yes I got a torrent from that link and once downloaded I did a sha256 checksum which was successful.


sha256sum -c openSUSE-Leap-15.6-DVD-x86_64-Build710.3-Media.iso.sha256
openSUSE-Leap-15.6-DVD-x86_64-Media.iso: OK

I can also mount the ISO manually and compared to 15.5 the root filesystem structure looks the same to me.

Oh hold on, I just looked at that again and noticed a link missing and now that I have put that in place the installation is actually working so the issue seems to have been a configuration error on my side.

Thank you for your replies and support.

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