Unable to Update Software


I am running a recently installed OpenSUSE Leap 42.1. I am unable to download any software updates (it says: Network is offline), interestingly enough I am connected to the internet. During installation when I had to give the wifi password I typed it in wrong (I remembered an old wifi password), I am not sure if this would have caused the problem… The computer is connected to the internet right now (using wlan0), so I am confused why this problem even occurred.

How could I fix this problem?

Thank you for your help,

Best Regards;

I seem to remember seeing that. It’s probably a bug with the update applet.

You should be able to update your system using the command (as root):

# zypper up

It seems that if the update applet cannot connect to the network when it first starts, it gives that error message. I stopped using the update applet, and rely on “zypper” or “Yast” for handling updates.

Yes, it is a bug, and we are working on an update.

It happens when the network connection is not yet online at the time that Plasma (and the applet) starts.

A workaround would be to set the connection as system connection (i.e. enable “Allow other users to use this connection” in the settings and store the password systemwise, but you’d have to resize the window that this option is reachible due to another bug… :wink: ).

Or just run “zypper up” as nrickert suggested, or Yast->Online Updates for now.


The “zypper up” command did help. Now the software update applet works perfectly :).

Thank you for your help,

Best Regards;

With a “normal” user Terminal CLI:

> pkcon refresh
> pkcon get-updates

both relieve this issue.