This morning I have upgraded (or at least tried to) my laptop from openSUSE 42.3 to 15.0. Afterwards, the whole computer freezes when I try to log in.
The upgrade:
Backed up my repos, I disabled all third party repos and changed all 42.3 repos to 15.0 (using *sed -i ‘s/42.3/15.0/g’ /etc/zypp/repos.d/**) and ran zypper dup --download-in-advance in a tmux session. This took 2-3 hours, during the last half hour I suddenly had some trouble with my internet connection: my wifi disconnected, and when it finally reconnected, there seemed to be a DNS issue.
Initial symptoms:
After zypper was done, I rebooted the computer. The graphical login screen shows but when I log in, everything freezes (ctrl-alt-f1 doesn’t switch to a terminal, ctrl-alt-backspace (2x) doesn’t do anything), sometimes the frozen screen is the login scree, sometimes is it the splash screen. Before logging in, I can move the mouse, click buttons, type in the password field and everything works as expected until I enter a correct password. (Incorrect password is handled as expected).
Initial investigation and other symptoms:
I booted into console, looked through some logs, I could not really find an obvious error in there. When I run startx, some messages are shown, and then everything freezes again, unresponsive to anything I tried, except holding the powerbutton. When I try to shut down (showdown -h now), normal shutdown starts, but before the system shutdown, the screen is filled with messages and a stacktrace that I can’t really make sense of. Every 20 seconds or so, new messages and stacktraces appear. From what I understand, there is a core that is not responding. At one point I managed to boot into a state that I wasn’t able to reach afterwards: I booted using the default recovery mode (no special options): I was expecting the log in screen to show, but instead the terminal login messages showed. Every 20 seconds or so, the screen filled with messages and stacktrace indicating that one CPU core wasn’t doing what it was supposed to do. I could run command while this was happening (as opposed to when during shutting down). I saw in top that one process (called simply “X”) was using 100% CPU. In htop, this process was shown with a much more descriptive name (that I can’t remember…).
Internet issues:
During the last half hour of the upgrade, there were some issues with my internet connection, as described before. I seem to have the same problem now in the terminal: I can ping IP addresses not using domain names and other internet stuff doesn’t work (zypper can’t refresh repos for example). This is with my network cable plugged in, didn’t try to get wifi running.
I have some pictures from the messages and call traces I described, but it doesn’t seem like I can upload them here. I’ll try to add them later in some other way. I don’t know what logfiles are of any importance, but I would happily try to retrieve these as plain text from the laptop to post here if you tell me which.
At this point I’ve run out of ideas and phrases to google. Only next step I can think of is give up the 15.0 installation and try to revert to my previous 42.3 installation (hopefully making use of btrfs, because I didn’t make a proper backup…) or otherwise a complete re-install