Last night I ran a zypper dup ( with kernel locked, using NVidia blob ) which I help back for about 2-3 weeks. As luck would have it, power dropped off during the installation phase. After I restarted I was greeted by a blank screen.
Console was working fine, but X did not start. Having been bit by such problems before, I ran a rpm -Va
and reinstalled all packages which had non-config files wih size/checksum changes. Still no luck. I reinstalled the nvidia driver, just in case - the same RPM that was working before, and still no luck.
Xorg.0.log contains a reference to “could not open default font ‘fixed’”, but the solutions that I found out there did not work for me. I reinstalled libXFont1, xorg-x11-fonts and xorg-x11-fonts-core, but that did not change anything.
btfs scrub does not indicate any problems
# btrfs scrub status /dev/sda1
scrub status for 54dea125-74cd-4bb2-86a2-f7bc645b76cf
scrub started at Fri Aug 5 10:01:07 2016 and finished after 00:08:24
total bytes scrubbed: 175.68GiB with 0 errors
I’ve pasted /var/log/Xorg.0.log at http://paste.opensuse.org/3527001 .
How do I get back to a running graphical interface?