What I can think of: has another app already taken the port?
Yep. Thought of that. But as far as I can tell, no, there is nothing talking ports 25/110.
Does it write to any logfiles, where you could look what happens?
Again, tried that. Adding a whole bunch of -Md -Pl -Sl -Ql startup switches doesn’t help because, I don’t think that the executable gets as far as initialising any log files. It is stuck trying to create the /var/run/xmail.pid file.
And finally: Webpin has a package for xmail. Can you try the package instead of compiling your own?
Gosh… That got me excited!
Dho. Nothing there. :-{ Unless, I’m doing something silly - which is entirely possible!
Strange this!! Why can I not find any SuSE xmail packages anywhere?
Is there a configuration file for it somewhere? Check either in YaST ->
Software Management, search and check the file list tab to identify. It
may be starting as an unprivileged user (xmail?) and trying to write it
to /var/log maybe. Just create a log directory and change the ownership
so it can write.
Cheers Malcolm °¿° (Linux Counter #276890)
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