Unable to run XMail

Hi all,

Can anyone offer any suggestions on what to check for clues on why I can’t get XMail to run on 11.1 (& 11.2)?

I can compile and run it on other linuxes. But following the same (very simple) steps it won’t run on 11.1.

If I run the startup script (/etc/init.d/xmail start), it hangs waiting for /var/run/xmail.pid to arrive?

I have tried joining the xmail forum but they won’t let me in!!

Regards, Martin

I have never used xmail, but maybe this helps:

What I can think of: has another app already taken the port?

Does it write to any logfiles, where you could look what happens?

And finally: Webpin has a package for xmail. Can you try the package instead of compiling your own?

Thanks Vodoo for your thoughts…

What I can think of: has another app already taken the port?

Yep. Thought of that. But as far as I can tell, no, there is nothing talking ports 25/110.

Does it write to any logfiles, where you could look what happens?

Again, tried that. Adding a whole bunch of -Md -Pl -Sl -Ql startup switches doesn’t help because, I don’t think that the executable gets as far as initialising any log files. It is stuck trying to create the /var/run/xmail.pid file.

And finally: Webpin has a package for xmail. Can you try the package instead of compiling your own?

Gosh… That got me excited!
Dho. Nothing there. :-{ Unless, I’m doing something silly - which is entirely possible!
Strange this!! Why can I not find any SuSE xmail packages anywhere?

Regards, Martin

Yep. It’s confirmed. I’m doing something silly.
Installing it as I speak…

Regards, Martin

A user has packaged it up, note it doesn’t include sendmail


You have disabled postfix?

Cheers Malcolm °¿° (Linux Counter #276890)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 11 (x86_64) Kernel
up 3 days 0:55, 2 users, load average: 0.30, 0.16, 0.10
GPU GeForce 8600 GTS Silent - CUDA Driver Version: 190.18

A user has packaged it up, note it doesn’t include sendmail

Thanks, Malcolm. That has saved me some time. I’ll go back and try and get my own compilation working.

You have disabled postfix?

Yep. Coincidently, while trying to install the above mentioned RPM, it locked-up as well!
However, There is one line in my /var/log/warn file:

Nov 24 17:32:12 myServer XMail[9264]: Unable to create file

My hope is that this may be the same file that is preventing my compilation running?

Any suggestions on how to trap this file (in a Win world, I’d use SysInternals FileMon).

Regards, Martin

Is there a configuration file for it somewhere? Check either in YaST ->
Software Management, search and check the file list tab to identify. It
may be starting as an unprivileged user (xmail?) and trying to write it
to /var/log maybe. Just create a log directory and change the ownership
so it can write.

Cheers Malcolm °¿° (Linux Counter #276890)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 11 (x86_64) Kernel
up 3 days 2:27, 2 users, load average: 0.16, 0.14, 0.07
GPU GeForce 8600 GTS Silent - CUDA Driver Version: 190.18