Unable to Post Unreviewed FAQ

I just attempted to post a Guide in the Unreviewed How To and FAQ forum, but could not do so for one simple and silly reason:

The post editor demanded that I select a specific version!

I understand the need for that when asking questions, or when posting an explanation of something that is specific to a particular version, but in this case the guide I was going to create applies to Most (Almost All?) versions of openSUSE and in fact to Most (again, Almost All?) versions of Linux.

OTHER VERSIONS” simply would not suffice, since it was not "other" versions, which would perhaps cause someone who needs the information to overlook it because it was "not their version".

So, in Unreviewed FAQs, could that requirement be turned off? Or, could “ALL VERSIONS” be added as an option?

I will wait for a solution to this dilemma before again attempting to post the guide.

You clearly have a point here. It is being discussed.

Thanks, Henk.

BTW: I do not think such an option should be added to other forum areas, or certainly not in the help forums, because the original reason of making the person select their version helps a lot when trying to help someone with a problem. I think this change should only be considered in the FAQ section (or similar).

Absolutely. The mods have reached a similar conclusion, so hopefully you’ll see a relaxing of the prefix in the applicable sub-forum in the near future. :slight_smile:

As deano says. The original split was between the “Get Technical Help Here” and “Other Forums”. But more detail is needed.

I am afraid that the season does not speed up things, but we hope to make a change soon.

I am not antsy about this, I can relax and wait.:wink:

I got a report that it is removed now from all three How To/FAQ Forums.

That is, it is still there, but you can ignore it.

Can you please try?