I recently stopped being able to play HTML5 videos on Youtube. I think this happened after the update to Firefox 43 but I can’t be 100% sure. When I visit a video, for instance https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KyLqUf4cdwc I get a message on the video player that “An error occured. Please try again later”.
The console has the following log entries:
Media resource mediasource:https://www.youtube.com/d48ecc2e-8e1e-4a6a-8cac-6f3e0d561d5a could not be decoded. watch
Use of getAttributeNode() is deprecated. Use getAttribute() instead. common.js:71:17
I have nio expirience with the commercial Fluendo codec so to avoid braking it I will not recommend packman but I’ll ask do you have libvpx installed it’s needed for webm support
it seams libvpx1 was abandoned by TW and replaced by libvpx3, check if you have libvpx3 it could be that Firefox and Chrome source tree hasn’t been updated and they are searching for a nonexistent library, update Firefox and Chromium and try again, if they don’t play webm files file a bug report at https://bugzilla.opensuse.org/
Hm, what fixed the problem for me is going to about:config and setting media.fragmented-mp4.ffmpeg.enabled to false. Apparently ffmpeg / libavcodec were being used by default and I did not have them installed with mp4 support ( I used the one from TW ). It seems that now it falls back to gstreamer ( or something else ? ) which works.
Can’t edit my last post, but the reason behind the regression I encountered is that since Firefox 43 ffmpeg is enabled by default : https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1207429 . I think this is going to be problematic for TW users which install ffmpeg from the TW repos, which can’t play restricted codecs.
Nothing from the official reposs supports mp4 it is proprietary and you must get from packman. There are crippled versions of the libs on the official repos to simply allow usage with open formats.
On Sat 09 Jan 2016 11:56:01 PM CST, gogalthorp wrote:
Nothing from the official reposs supports mp4 it is proprietary and you
must get from packman. There are crippled versions of the libs on the
official repos to simply allow usage with open formats.
No the user has fluendo codecs, so the issue seems to be with firefox.
Cheers Malcolm °¿° LFCS, SUSE Knowledge Partner (Linux Counter #276890)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 SP1|GNOME 3.10.2|3.12.51-60.20-default
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On Sat 09 Jan 2016 11:16:01 PM CST, robert munteanu wrote:
Hm, what fixed the problem for me is going to about:config and setting
media.fragmented-mp4.ffmpeg.enabled to false. Apparently ffmpeg /
libavcodec were being used by default and I did not have them installed
with mp4 support ( I used the one from TW ). It seems that now it falls
back to gstreamer ( or something else ? ) which works.
Thanks for the help!
Looking at your example link and right click on the video and ‘Stats
for nerds’ It shows as webm vp9. This is whether or not I
enable/disable the firefox config.
I use the fluendo codecs as well, but version 22-2 and Leap.
Cheers Malcolm °¿° LFCS, SUSE Knowledge Partner (Linux Counter #276890)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 SP1|GNOME 3.10.2|3.12.51-60.20-default
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in FF’s about:config I noticed one new change. In the past, ffmpeg was disabled by default and gstreamer enabled, in newer FF builds both gstreamer and ffmpeg are enabled but I still don’t understand why webm wouldn’t work?
I read somewhere that google was planning on using of some sort of anti adblock on youtube especially now when they’re charging for ad free youtube, this would be region dependent and maybe that’s why not everyone is affected.
Setting media.gstreamer.enable-blacklist to false allows mp3 to play based on Which audio formats are supported? after a firefox restart (well on Leap with fluendo codecs).