Unable to mount landrive through cli or fstab

Greetings all;

Well I am taking the plunge into the linux pool. I am quad booting opensuse,fedora,ubuntu,and vista(only cause).

I have a landrive out on the network. I can go into dolphin and connect to the drive see it copy to and from it. BUT when I try cli

***mount -t cifs //x.x.x.x/Folder /mnt/point/folder

I get mount.cifs error(5) Input/ouput error

samething if try do in fstab

//x.x.x.x/folder /mnt/point/folder cifs uid=user,gid=grpuser,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777 0 0

I have loaded samba. I did get it to work in ubuntu,although ubuntu places don’t work, same problem in fedora

this is getting frustrating to say the least!!

Thanks to all

This is how I mount one:
//X.X.X.X/foldername /mnt/MOUNT cifs iocharset=iso8859-15, uid=1000, gid=100,rw, workgroup=XXXX, file_mode=0664, dir_mode=0775, user=XXXX, password=XXXX 0 0

EUREKA!! I got it

last night late not sure of the website found the fix, for connecting my landrv. here is the line for fstab (I heard you cna do couple more things if you want it to be a secure)

create a folder on your system for your mount point example(/home/user/netdrv)

//ip of netdrv/folder on netdrv /home/user/netdrv cifs nounix,uid=user,gid=user,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777 0 0

the key for me was the nounix to make it all work

I’m happy camper now

fi5ban wrote:

> last night late not sure of the website found the fix, for connecting
> my landrv. here is the line for fstab (I heard you cna do couple more
> things if you want it to be a secure)
> create a folder on your system for your mount point
> example(/home/user/netdrv)
> //ip of netdrv/folder on netdrv /home/user/netdrv cifs
> nounix,uid=user,gid=user,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777 0 0
> the key for me was the nounix to make it all work

Please note that cifs mounts belong in /etc/samba/smbfstab, not /etc/fstab.

Kind regards,
Andreas Stieger

Can you explain the nounix option please. I can’t find it in the man pages.