I upgraded to 12.3 using zypper. After the update, the system boots, but I’m unable to mount any partitions on sdb or sdc, both of which mounted fine before. None of the partitions show up in the list when issuing “mount”, or in /etc/mtab, or in /proc/mounts. It seems that the system thinks the drives are in use. When trying to run e2fsck on the partitions to make sure they were OK, i get the error “/dev/sdb1 is in use…”. Is there somewhere else that openSUSE keeps track of mounted disks? I’m guessing that the file was not cleared properly when the system was rebooted after the upgrade.
Did you use the following document on how to do a upgrade of openSUSE? SDB:System upgrade - openSUSE Wiki and if not, what did you do? Did you check your Software Repositories to see if they are 12.3 now? Basically, if you can’t boot or get a GUI, it may be time to do a clean reinstall of openSUSE.
Thank You,
Yes, I followed that procedure, all repos are 12.3 and all 3rd party repos are still disabled. I can boot, but I’m not using a GUI, so I only have the CLI. However, if I add /dev/sdb1 to my fstab, then boot fails and I get a recovery console. I know I could do a fresh install, but then I wouldn’t learn anything. Hopefully I can track down the problem and learn something new in the process.
Start without showing output of blkid.
On 2013-03-21 03:16, danwelch3 wrote:
> Yes, I followed that procedure, all repos are 12.3 and all 3rd party
> repos are still disabled. I can boot, but I’m not using a GUI, so I
> only have the CLI. However, if I add /dev/sdb1 to my fstab, then boot
> fails and I get a recovery console.
Please remember that usage of device names such as “/dev/sdb” is
deprecated, you should use instead the ids, uuids, labels, paths, etc.
The symlinks that are there for a reason.
Cheers / Saludos,
Carlos E. R.
(from 12.1 x86_64 “Asparagus” at Telcontar)
it is not realy depricated, but you should of course be sure that when you say sdb, there is such a device (and it’s special file) and that it is the one you mean.
Until now we have only story telling without any computer evidence. Thus my suggestion is that we first get the output of the following (posted between CODE tags, complete with prompt, command, output, prompt) before we jump to conclusions (because the wording “Unable to mount disks after upgrade to 12.3” can’t be true because your system runs and thus has at least mounted /):
fdisk -l
cat /etc/fstab
ls -l /dev/disk/by*