Hi all,
This one is weird. And a bit long-winded. Sorry.
I’m using 11.2 64bit with KDE.
The only things that happened today were that i accepted an update through the updater applet. I can’t remember exactly what it was - kprtx? or something?
After that i tried to copy a largish file across from a folder shared on my Ubuntu box. It was about 600Mb but when i navigated to the samba share through Opensuse and copied the file from the Ubuntu box to a local folder, it was only transferring around 100Kb/s. Not really cool for a 100Mb connection. So i cancelled that.
Not long after that, things went weird. The hard drive went into overdrive and then the desktop dropped to a blank screen - the window manager KDE crashed? Something was still functioning because i ctl-alt-deleted up the shutdown applet and rebooted.
After the reboot, i logged in again and things were ok for a minute. I brought up konsole and 'zypper up’ed for a few packages through the Packman and Google repository but as it upgraded Chrome, the window manager crashed again and everything went black.
I had YaST open, though, and its window remained open even after the desktop dropped to black. So i opened the software manager expecting an error because the terminal was still running the updates in the background but there was none so i suspect konsole was closed along with the window manager when it crashed. So i went to view the repositories through the software manager module in YaST and all were missing.
I rebooted again and it all booted ok as far as the login screen. When i entered my password, etc the screen momentarily went blank and then dropped back to the login prompt again. It happened over and over.
So i rebooted again, this time attempting to log into the failsafe desktop. It failed. It wouldn’t go past the login prompt again - just constantly kept bringing up the login screen after i’d enter my password.
So i’m at a loss now. It seems there’s been some sort of data corruption or something? But the only thing that immediately preceded the problem was copying a file over the network and browsing the net. I’m currently running a check on my hard drive to see if there are any problems there.
I can get to a terminal prompt but that’s about it. Any suggestions on the way forward from there?