Unable to login to KDE Plasma 6.1.0

Hello! I am unable to log into my laptop. Whenever I try, the screen simply becomes unresponsive after I enter my password. Please help!

It was working earlier today, I powered it off via “sudo shutdown -h now”

Came back later, powered it back on, attempted to login, and cannot.

I have tried restarting multiple times, tried Plasma x11, Wayland, and IceWM.

The only different thing I did when logging on way I clicked the “Other…” tab to see what it did, backed out of it, and tried to log on. See attached image.

Updated the system via tty, still unable to login.

I am able to access the desktop by running ‘startx’ in the TTY. Based on reading this forum post from the Manjaro forums, it seems like it could be an internal file issue?

check to see if you still have free space on root partition

How do I do this?

Did you install any updates this morning? I just had the same problem after installing tonight’s updates. After a rollback it worked again. I just don’t know which update is to blame… I wasn’t interested at that moment

After talking for a while in the discord it seems a lot of people are having the same issues. For me the current work around is just starting it though TTY

I had the same today (after some KDE 6.1 Updates). After login, the screen became black and then the login screen appeared again.
Solution for me: I switched from a Wayland session (you can choose is at the bottom left at the login screen) to X11. Then the login needed ~30s (first x11 login with KDE 6), but the desktop was working.


I had the same issue on two laptops (Intel&AMD). Switching the Mesa drivers to the ones provided by Packman allowed me to start a Wayland session in both cases.


Can confirm. This worked for me to.

How do I go about doing this?

Upon running sudo zypper dup I got this. Any ideas?

54 Problems:
Problem: 1: problem with the installed Mesa-24.1.2-1699.385.pm.1.x86_64
Problem: 2: problem with the installed Mesa-dri-24.1.2-1699.385.pm.1.x86_64
Problem: 3: problem with the installed Mesa-gallium-24.1.2-1699.385.pm.1.x86_64
Problem: 4: problem with the installed Mesa-libEGL1-24.1.2-1699.385.pm.1.x86_64
Problem: 5: problem with the installed Mesa-libGL1-24.1.2-1699.385.pm.1.x86_64
Problem: 6: problem with the installed Mesa-libglapi0-24.1.2-1699.385.pm.1.x86_64
Problem: 7: problem with the installed Mesa-libva-24.1.2-1699.385.pm.1.x86_64
Problem: 8: problem with the installed Mesa-vulkan-device-select-24.1.2-1699.385.pm.1.x86_64
Problem: 9: problem with the installed ffmpeg-7-7.0-1699.2.pm.6.x86_64
Problem: 10: problem with the installed gdk-pixbuf-loader-libheif-1.17.6-1699.5.pm.6.x86_64
Problem: 11: problem with the installed libavcodec58_134-4.4.4-1699.18.pm.8.x86_64
Problem: 12: problem with the installed libavcodec60-6.1.1-1699.7.pm.9.x86_64
Problem: 13: problem with the installed libavcodec61-7.0-1699.2.pm.6.x86_64
Problem: 14: problem with the installed libavdevice61-7.0-1699.2.pm.6.x86_64
Problem: 15: problem with the installed libavfilter10-7.0-1699.2.pm.6.x86_64
Problem: 16: problem with the installed libavfilter9-6.1.1-1699.7.pm.9.x86_64
Problem: 17: problem with the installed libavformat58_76-4.4.4-1699.18.pm.8.x86_64
Problem: 18: problem with the installed libavformat60-6.1.1-1699.7.pm.9.x86_64
Problem: 19: problem with the installed libavformat61-7.0-1699.2.pm.6.x86_64
Problem: 20: problem with the installed libavutil56_70-4.4.4-1699.18.pm.8.x86_64
Problem: 21: problem with the installed libavutil58-6.1.1-1699.7.pm.9.x86_64
Problem: 22: problem with the installed libavutil59-7.0-1699.2.pm.6.x86_64
Problem: 23: problem with the installed libfdk-aac2-2.0.2-1699.1.pm.86.x86_64
Problem: 24: problem with the installed libgbm1-24.1.2-1699.385.pm.1.x86_64
Problem: 25: problem with the installed libheif-aom-1.17.6-1699.5.pm.6.x86_64
Problem: 26: problem with the installed libheif-dav1d-1.17.6-1699.5.pm.6.x86_64
Problem: 27: problem with the installed libheif-ffmpeg-1.17.6-1699.5.pm.6.x86_64
Problem: 28: problem with the installed libheif-jpeg-1.17.6-1699.5.pm.6.x86_64
Problem: 29: problem with the installed libheif-openjpeg-1.17.6-1699.5.pm.6.x86_64
Problem: 30: problem with the installed libheif-rav1e-1.17.6-1699.5.pm.6.x86_64
Problem: 31: problem with the installed libheif-svtenc-1.17.6-1699.5.pm.6.x86_64
Problem: 32: problem with the installed libheif1-1.17.6-1699.5.pm.6.x86_64
Problem: 33: problem with the installed libpostproc55_9-4.4.4-1699.18.pm.8.x86_64
Problem: 34: problem with the installed libpostproc57-6.1.1-1699.7.pm.9.x86_64
Problem: 35: problem with the installed libpostproc58-7.0-1699.2.pm.6.x86_64
Problem: 36: problem with the installed libquicktime0-1.2.4+git20180804.fff99cd-1699.7.pm.7.x86_64
Problem: 37: problem with the installed librist4-0.2.7-1699.1.pm.23.x86_64
Problem: 38: problem with the installed libswresample3_9-4.4.4-1699.18.pm.8.x86_64
Problem: 39: problem with the installed libswresample4-6.1.1-1699.7.pm.9.x86_64
Problem: 40: problem with the installed libswresample5-7.0-1699.2.pm.6.x86_64
Problem: 41: problem with the installed libswscale5_9-4.4.4-1699.18.pm.8.x86_64
Problem: 42: problem with the installed libswscale7-6.1.1-1699.7.pm.9.x86_64
Problem: 43: problem with the installed libswscale8-7.0-1699.2.pm.6.x86_64
Problem: 44: problem with the installed libvdpau_nouveau-24.1.2-1699.385.pm.1.x86_64
Problem: 45: problem with the installed libvdpau_r600-24.1.2-1699.385.pm.1.x86_64
Problem: 46: problem with the installed libvdpau_radeonsi-24.1.2-1699.385.pm.1.x86_64
Problem: 47: problem with the installed libvlc5-3.0.20-1699.11.pm.19.x86_64
Problem: 48: problem with the installed libvlccore9-3.0.20-1699.11.pm.19.x86_64
Problem: 49: problem with the installed libvulkan_radeon-24.1.2-1699.385.pm.1.x86_64
Problem: 50: problem with the installed libxvidcore4-1.3.7-1699.1.pm.69.x86_64
Problem: 51: problem with the installed vlc-3.0.20-1699.11.pm.19.x86_64
Problem: 52: problem with the installed vlc-noX-3.0.20-1699.11.pm.19.x86_64
Problem: 53: problem with the installed vlc-qt-3.0.20-1699.11.pm.19.x86_64
Problem: 54: problem with the installed discord-0.0.57-1699.146.pm.1.x86_64

Problem: 1: problem with the installed Mesa-24.1.2-1699.385.pm.1.x86_64
 Solution 1: install Mesa-24.1.2-382.1.x86_64 from vendor openSUSE
  replacing Mesa-24.1.2-1699.385.pm.1.x86_64 from vendor http://packman.links2linux.de
 Solution 2: keep obsolete Mesa-24.1.2-1699.385.pm.1.x86_64

Try running

sudo zypper dup --allow-vendor-change

instead. If it works, only use it once and do normal zypper dups in the future. If you want to return to the regular OpenSuSE repo at some point, the commands are

sudo zypper mr -d -F packman
to disable the packman repo, and again
sudo zypper dup --allow-vendor-change

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What I did was:

  • In the yast software repositories, add the community repo Packman Essentians.
  • In konsole run sudo zypper in --allow-vendor-change Mesa
  • Reboot
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Same issue here, still able to login with X11, upgraded only Mesa with packman repo. Three days ago I had downgraded them because of some glithches in the last point release and I switched back to OSS repo for mesa. Now I’m able to login in Wayland session again. Just one question: is it normal that this command with Mesa option only updated Mesa-dri-32 and mesa-gallium-32-bit only and not the main Mesa packet?

P.s. the issue appeared after upgrading to KDE 6.1 packages

Tried it on another PC and this is what updated:

The following 8 packages are going to change vendor:
  Mesa-32bit          openSUSE -> http://packman.links2linux.de
  Mesa-dri            openSUSE -> http://packman.links2linux.de
  Mesa-dri-32bit      openSUSE -> http://packman.links2linux.de
  Mesa-gallium        openSUSE -> http://packman.links2linux.de
  Mesa-gallium-32bit  openSUSE -> http://packman.links2linux.de
  Mesa-libEGL1        openSUSE -> http://packman.links2linux.de
  Mesa-libGL1         openSUSE -> http://packman.links2linux.de
  Mesa-libGL1-32bit   openSUSE -> http://packman.links2linux.de

Maybe related to 1226983 – Steam won't install after 26 June update ? If you have Steam installed not all Mesa packages will upgrade, leading to a broken graphical setup.

Seems likely. The 32-bit versions had mismatched versions in the OpenSuSE repos. In addition to Steam, they are a Wine dependency.

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