unable to install package yast on internet

hello … i am newbie to suse…
when i use Yast on my desktop … it use install packages directly from source… i have installed opensuse 11.0 on my laptop using live cd… when i use yast to install packages on my laptop… it asks 4 dvd/cd … i want to install packages using internet…


hi prakhar3003

I am never installing openSuSE from livecd it maybe some difference…

the question is simple… and answer is too
you should add in yast>software>sofware Repositories(something like that)

when you click on this you should have list of repositories that your system knows about…

than you should add some new repos you want… simply press button “Add” the new window is appear the second item from up should be “community repositories” not exactly but something like this…

simply check this and click next… You should has list of available repositories. check boxes you like(need) click next

after that you could type name of application you want install in yast>software>software management

i have the second possibility fro you it seems more simple


type in search form application you want to have

from result list click “one click button”
here you are
system ask you for root password, type it and when you will be asked “stay subscribed to this repository” mark this as agreed…

prakhar3003 wrote:

> hello … i am newbie to suse…
> when i use Yast on my desktop … it use install packages directly from
> source… i have installed opensuse 11.0 on my laptop using live cd…
> when i use yast to install packages on my laptop… it asks 4 dvd/cd …
> i want to install packages using internet…
> …
> .
> help

Go to “YaST->Software->Software Repositories” and note the “Priority”
and “Enabled” columns. If you never want to use a particular repository
(your DVD/CD, for example), then all you have to do is disable that
repository. (I would recommend disabling a repository rather than deleting
it; you never know when you might want it back!)

It could also be a simple matter of priorities. When you choose a package
to be installed, YaST searches your (enabled) repositories for the package.
If it finds it in more than one place, it uses the repository with the
higher PRIORITY (0 being the highest priority). Give your DVD/CD the
lowest priority (like maybe 120), and it will always select another
repository over the DVD/CD.

Personally, I have mine set up the opposite way. My DVD repository is the
HIGHEST priority so that it will always be used. Note that when you select
a package, you are also selecting the package version. When the selected
(latest?) version is on the DVD/CD, there is no need to go online to get
it; when you select a different (later?) version, YaST will use the online
repository that provides it. It’s a win-win situation!

I have the same problem, I used the image and now I am trying to install software the needs several perl-xxx and libraries and the image is not mounted and neither is the cd. I am uncertain as to where to find all these packages on the internet so is therre a search for them within yast? How can you set this up to look at the internet?

Part 2: Also I have only selected software which was present at the time in yast. So I had assumed it meant it was on the system just not installed???

I have downloaded packages and extracted and the yast couldnt seem to find??? I used yast -i package I assume I need to use the fully qualified pathing instead of just being in the directory???

This thread is 2 years old. Please start a new thread also supply the versions. Also it is not clear if you installed the OS or if you are running from the CD?

Sorry my first posting. OS is suse 11.3 I had installed that from the iso image file. I was trying to install some packages which yast kept asking for the disc. Since I didn’t have that I thought I could go to the internet site. I see now that I create a repository of my own with the appropriate URL and then it should go to that site. I also have since mounted the image file and am hoping to point yast to that.

Thank you.

OK 11.3 is still beta so it may be best to ask on the beta section of this forum.

Second I have no idea what you just said about images.

maybe show the the output of

zypper -lr -d

this will list your current repositories.