unable to install driver for nvidia

i have installed open suse11.0 but i am finding problem with my graphics,as my computer hangs from the want of prper driver.I downloaded a driver for my card which is(NVIDIA 8400GS),but know i am unable to install it,i got a reply from the forum to install it through nvidia installer HOw to.html ,but I was unable to do so as it required net connection which i don’t have
please help me,and please elaborate the solution!!

Make sure you have installed

Now download the latest Nvidia driver:
Place the file in your /home/username

Now restart and at the boot screen, pause the boot by moving the down button, then move back up and clear any text in the boot arguments by holding backspace. Then just type the number: 3

At the login
Type “root” then enter and then your root password and press enter.

now type
cd /home/username

*Now remember you can use the {TAB} key to auto complete
so type:

and the whole file name should auto complete
eg: sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-173.14.09-pkg1.run

Follow the installer and let it compile the kernel module for you.
Say Yes to everything
Use TAB to move around

you can also use 1. click installation.


I don’t think the OP has an internet connection, so that could be an issue