Unable to install .appImage file as adminitrator!

hi guys! I am new to opensuse community, and Wow, i do blame myself why i have not used opensuse befor although I’m a linux user for over 3 years , and I really believe this distro is really underrated! anyways I am trying to install this vpn called hiddify that is availabe with .appImage file , and it needs to be run as root to force all of my network to use the package , but when i try to open it via terminal : sudo ./Hiddify-Linux-x64.AppImage it gives me this error : (hiddify:30796): Gtk-WARNING **: 18:36:44.180: cannot open display .

any ideas how to solve this , or any alternatives ways to open this file a root!?
thx guys

You don’t install an appimage. You simply run it. The devs of this app use missleading terms in combination with appimages. And it is a really bad idea to run it as admin/sudo. There is nowhere mentioned on their site that you need admin/sudo rights for the app.

I assume you want to run/execute it and NOT to open it.

On what do you enter the statement. The console, or a terminal emulator like Konsole or Xterm within a user’s Desktop?

sorry didn’t pay attention , I meant execution , but besides that , yeah why not , using it as a vpn (not system proxy) needs sudo rights!

Konsole! using my Desktop!
any ideas what’s the error for ?

@hawk Hi and welcome to the Forum :smile:
I would suggest the rpm version and install that with zypper…

as i said SORRY :skull: I meant while executing! , I don’t know if its possible to edit the post!

Yes, sudo on SUSE does not forward X11 authorization. su does.

thanks a lot ! it finally executed ! :pray:

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