I tried saving but have no clue how to obtain the “root permissions”, so was getting this error.
Do let me know how to obtain the root permissions. Also i am not using 11.4, mine is 11.3. So the bug in 11.4 seems to have continued from 11.3 as it might have gone unnoticed.
I can see you are using kwrite and hence have kde.
Try this:
kdesu kwrite /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/50-device.conf
enter root password when prompted for a password.
Then make and save that change and exit.
Before rebooting, also install the program ‘mc’ (midnight commander) with:
su -c 'zypper in mc'
and enter root password when prompted and select yes to install mc (midnight commander).
That way if you are ever trapped in a text mode, you can type ‘mc’ (no quotes) to launch the midnight commander editor which is text menu driven and easy to follow.
Thats a good point. No , the bug was not in 11.3. So your problem may be different and my suggestion for ‘radeon’ may not work.
When I type “man radeon” in my openSUSE-11.3 I see no indication your graphics will be supported in 11.3 with the ‘radeon’ driver. Hence it may NOT be a good idea to edit that file like I originally proposed.
Yes, midnight commander is a small file and its good to have.
It does not hurt to try the radeon driver as I noted (with the edit to 50-device.conf). Its an incredibly small edit (it just removes a " # " ). You can always undo the change later.
And you likely can always boot with the boot code ‘x11failsafe’. You can give that ‘x11failsafe’ boot code a try first if you like.
Don’t forget if you try the edit to the 50-device.conf file, when booting use the boot code ‘nomodeset’ (also try without that bootcode).
Note if you get stuck in a full screen text mode, you can restart with:
Ok there is one BIG problem, it seems I have forgotten my super user password, which is required for root permissions and also for installation of mc. Any idea how can I get the password?
I think you will find Google is an excellent resource, and helps make up for the fact that Linux does not have the same informal support base of Windows, where everyone seems to know a bit about Windows.
Yes, put the DVD in. Run the zypper command again. Keep pressing abort for each repository it can not find due to your having no internet. Eventually zypper will find the DVD.