Unable to create repository from url

I am a new user and I have a small installation problem with openSUSE 11.2

I have read the relevant stuff in the forums for new users.
I have downloaded openSUSE-11.2-DVD-i586-iso and verified the file using MD5.

I am currently running windows XP (SP1) on a Fujitsu Siemens V1000 laptop and
I am trying to install linux from my hard drive and not from a DVD drive.

The path to the downloaded file on my windows partition is: e:/OpenSuse/openSUSE-11.2-DVD-i586.iso

I have initialised installation and selected sda6 as the partition where the sourcefile is located.
and when prompted for the directory, I typed " /OpenSuse/openSUSE-11.2-DVD-i586.iso "

The installations then proceeded through to “Initialising Package Manager
upon which I get the following message:

" Unable to create repository from url’ iso:/? iso=openSUSE-11.2-DVD-i586.iso&url=hd:/OpenSuse?device=/dev/sda6"

Failed to mount iso:///?iso=openSUSE-11.2-DVD-i586.iso & url=hd:/OpenSuse?device=dev/sda6 on: Unable to find iso filename on source media.


  • File:/openSUSE-11.2-DVD-i586.iso not found on medium ‘hd:///OpenSuse?device=dev/sda6’

There is an option to try again at which point an additional dialog box appears and I have the opportunity to change things.
Other than that, the only option is to cancel and terminate the installation.

I’ve tried the process around 3 times, but if I’m doing the same thing then not surprising I’m getting the same result.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.


If you are attempting an install of some sort from within windows it is seriously a bad idea.
Is there a reason you can not burn to or install from a DVD?
If so downloading and burning a live CD image allows you to check how the OS will run and you can install from there.
If you have no optical drive you can use a USB stick,There is a procedure for this as well.

The file ending in .iso is a disk image, not a data file. AFAIK, it cannot be used to install from a HD.

It can be done. That’s how we do an NFS install to other machines. It has to be mounted with the “-o loop” option. Have no idea how to do that in Windblows.