Is your system fully up to date (with “zypper dup”)? Do you have any 13.1/13.2 (or other non-Tumbleweed/Factory) repos active?
Something like this can happen if you have a mixture of packages built with gcc48 and gcc5 installed. Tumbleweed was recently switched to use gcc5 by default, you might have some old packages installed causing the problem.
Problem: kscreen-lang-1.0.71-3.4.noarch requires kscreen = 1.0.71, but this requirement cannot be provided Problem: patterns-openSUSE-kde-20150603-4.1.x86_64 requires pattern() = kde_plasma, but this requirement cannot be provided
and should I remove only gcc48 (& gcc48 c++), or other depedndencies of the gcc48??
It doesn’t matter what compiler(s) you have installed.
The important thing is which compiler was used to build the packages you have installed.
If some of your KDE4 packages were built with gcc48, and others with gcc5, there will be problems.
Upgrade your system, so that you only have packages installed that are built with gcc5.
And please, answer the questions you are being asked, if you want help.
Ok so I did zypper dup breaking all dependencies, btw does it refresh & enable repos which a re disabled or not checked for refreshing ( it seems to me so)? cause I d not want that in case of ruby and nodeJS repo cause I want to let to gem and npm command so nothing’d be broken. and there was still problem but I just did not notice it somehow. btw still the same after zypper dup
ok so now after zypper dup it works and i’ve nice new design also. btw when ruby, Nodejs repo is not enabled it means that zypper won’t be able to update it but gem, npm will ? and last question I mistakenly cancel KDE wallte migration is there way to do it “sane way” not copying ffiles
Depends in which repo it is available.
If it’s in some other repo, zypper can update it, unless there’s a problem with dependencies.
ruby is in the standard repos though, so there will be updates for it.
But it also depends on whether you run “zypper up” or “zypper dup” of course. “up” will not switch a package to a version from another repo, “dup” will if there’s a higher version in another repo.
And another factor would be the priorities of your repos.
and last question I mistakenly cancel KDE wallte migration is there way to do it “sane way” not copying ffiles
If you just cancelled it, it should ask you again the next time it starts (on next login probably).
If you told it to not migrate the wallet(s) but want to do it anyway now, then just delete ~/.local/share/kwalletd/. It will again ask you whether to migrate the data on next start.