Unable to connect to web server

I am having trouble with a web server that I am setting up. It i from a mono live CD based on SUSE 11.1. I had no trouble when I was using fedora 10, but I was unable to get mono to work so I thought I would try SUSE.

I have a dynamic IP address, but the server is on a local area network in the range of 192.168.0.x and I have my router also set the server with the same IP address so that I don’t have to worry about it changing.

This was really easy on a Windows 2000 box. All I did was go into the host file and assign its IP address a name and I could just access it from another PC using that name. I would like to do the same with a linux server using mono for ASP.NET.

For some reason though when I try the same thing with SUSE, I can never access the web page and even if I set up an FTP server, I am unable to connect from another PC on the same network. Oh, I did try opening up the firewall and in fact I shut it down completely and still had the same problem.

I would appreciate any thoughts as to what I am doing wrong.

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If you have shutdown the firewall completely then the only thing left is
to properly have the port bound by an application. You mentioned FTP
acces; do you have the FTP service setup and running? By default it does
not run and you should probably be using SSH for file transfers via scp
instead if you can as it is secure (FTP is completely open and lacks any
sort of security). If you did enable the FTP server so it is listening on
port 21 (by default) then as long as your network settings are setup
properly on both sides and data routes properly (if a router is involved
with the data transfer, meaning if you are on a different network from the
server) you should be fine. To see if the port is listening use netstat:

netstat -anp | grep 'LISTEN ’

You can grep for a specific port as well if you know what it is:

netstat -anp | grep 'LISTEN ’ | grep :21

If it is listening and your firewall is still down then try to hit it.
Use netcat from the client machine:

netcat -zv ipAddressOfServer portNum

Example: netcat -zv 21

If that returns with ‘Open’ then the TCP port is open and you should be
able to hit it from your workstation. If it doesn’t then either it is not
listening on the server side (refer to netstat check), it is not routing
properly (check network settings), or the firewall is not actually down
properly. Network settings on both sides can be found via:

ip addr sh
ip route sh
cat /etc/resolv.conf

Good luck.

Z K wrote:
> I am having trouble with a web server that I am setting up. It i from a
> mono live CD based on SUSE 11.1. I had no trouble when I was using
> fedora 10, but I was unable to get mono to work so I thought I would try
> I have a dynamic IP address, but the server is on a local area network
> in the range of 192.168.0.x and I have my router also set the server
> with the same IP address so that I don’t have to worry about it
> changing.
> This was really easy on a Windows 2000 box. All I did was go into the
> host file and assign its IP address a name and I could just access it
> from another PC using that name. I would like to do the same with a
> linux server using mono for ASP.NET.
> For some reason though when I try the same thing with SUSE, I can never
> access the web page and even if I set up an FTP server, I am unable to
> connect from another PC on the same network. Oh, I did try opening up
> the firewall and in fact I shut it down completely and still had the
> same problem.
> I would appreciate any thoughts as to what I am doing wrong.
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Thanks for the info. I get an unable to connect error no matter what I do from the client PC. I went back to fedora and all I had to do was set the firewall to open the HTTP server and FTP Server and NETBIOS Server and it just worked. SUSE (at least the 11.1) version seems to be very locked down so I can not even bring up a web page on my client PC. I also noticed that SUSE 11.1 will not even let me save a downloaded file to my home directory without being root. This seems a bit overkill to me. It is probably okay for someone who knows what they are doing, but it is just hampering me to set up a simple web server on my home network. For the time being I am going back to Fedora until I can figure out how to get to work on my network though unfortunately Fedora and mono do not seem to work very well.


Well after days of being unable to download the new 11.1 iso, I downloaded it through the torrent and installed using the DVD. My system works a lot better now and I have the web server and ftp server working just fine. The security on the Mono Live CD must be really tight.

I am having a bit of trouble though getting Mono 2.4 to install. I followed their instructions on the mono web site and while the repository seems to be added, it fails on the refresh command with an invalid repository response. Any idea how to get Mono 2.4 to install.

Also, if I were to install the version of mono that is on the DVD, what steps would I use? Would I just select Mono complete or is there something else that needs to be done. I tried installing mono on Fedora, but that did not work though it might have been because of SELinux not allowing access.


Well, I finally was able to get ASP.NET to work on OpenSuse 11.1. Unfortunately, I had to use the mono version that came on the DVD rather than version 2.4, but hey, at least it is working. At some point I would like to upgrade to 2.4 and hopefully it will just be through the normal update process.

rotfl! :slight_smile: lol!